Personal Lists featuring...

Nosferatu the Vampyre 1979


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.



UPDATED: 11/7/23


Horror is one of the most readily dismissed genres from critics and film buffs, yet is, arguably, the genre with the most avid and steadfast niche following and remains popular with the general public. With horror films aiming to terrify, spook, shock, disturb, repulse, amuse, entertain and more, it's no wonder the genre is so varied, divisive and controversial.

With so many people ignoring or simply not understanding horror, many great films slip under the radar and are relatively unknown to an audience outside of hardcore horror fans. In order to counteract this and bring awareness to the greatness of the genre, this list was created.

Compiled using 2,614 lists taken from various critics/polls/magazines/books/websites/forums/horror fans, They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? is intended to be the ultimate canonical top 1000 horror list. Spanning several decades, countries and sub-genres, and using lists from a wide range of people and publications, the resulting list is quite a diverse spread and representation of the best of horror.



Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Original Edition (2003) + additions (2004-2021) in that order.

2021 Edition Additions:
The Vast of Night (2019)
The Assistant (2019)
Rocks (2019)
Saint Maud (2019)
Tenet (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
Soul (2020)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
Lovers Rock (2020)
Nomadland (2020)


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


The greatest films ever made, as voted by MUBI’s global community of film lovers.


/u/StopReadinMyUsername on reddit created a list called "1001 'GREATEST' MOVIES OF ALL TIME" in 2015.

Since this list is still very popular, he posted an updated list on reddit in April 2020.

For this list he combined the average scores from IMDb, Letterboxd, Rotten Tomatoes & Metacritic, and tweaked the results with data from Letterboxd, iCheckMovies, TSPDT?, TMDb and IMDb.



Trashy cult cinema from the fringes of good taste.


Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


A list of noteworthy films that involve vampires in some way or another. These don't have to be traditional vampires (I Am Legend) or particularly fantastic films (Twilight), just noteworthy ones. I'm not going to be strict. Foreign and Indie films welcome.

The list is in no particular order, but I recommend you list by film release date.

Have I missed something? Is there a film in the list that shouldn't be? Please let me know below, it's a lot of work on my own!

(Still a work in progress, but suggestions are nonetheless welcome!)


One of the gifts a movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered. Here are more than 300 reconsiderations and appreciations of movies from the distant past to the recent past, all of movies that I consider worthy of being called “great.” / Roger Ebert



As Halloween draws ever closer, the next stop on our Best of... journey leads us to the most fearsome and revered movie monster of them all: The Vampire. They're evil, they need to feed, and they want our blood. That's about as terrifying as it gets.

Ever since Dracula and Nosferatu first terrified audiences nearly a century ago, the vampire has arguably been the most prominent of all movie monsters. There have been too many incarnations of the bloodsucking menaces to count (Dracula himself has been brought to cinematic life at least 170 times himself, with more surely to come), and so picking only 30 of them to represent the sub-genre as a whole was no easy task.

The vampire movies that we tend to love the most are the exciting ones, the darker ones. The ones that put a welcomed twist on an overly-familiar story, or the ones that just play it straight and give us exactly what we expect from a vampire story. Depends on our mood. Luckily for us, there are more than enough vampire movies to fit any mood, at any given time.

We love vampire flicks. I mean, one of the coolest vampires of all-time is our mascot, so that pretty much goes without saying, but we really do love them. What other movie monster can be so suave and yet so terrifyingly deadly at the same time? *Hannibal Lecter doesn't count.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Vampire Flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. The Lost Boys and Salem's Lot are probably our all-time faves, but then they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the bloodsucker Sub-Genre.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Vampire Flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".



From bleak Expressionist works to the edgy political cinema of the New German Cinema and the feel-good Heimat films of the postwar era, Directory of World Cinema: Germany aims to offer a wider film and cultural context for the films that have emerged from Germany - including some of the East German films recently made available to Western audiences for the first time. With contributions by leading academics and emerging scholars in the field, this volume explores the key directors, themes, and periods in German film history, and demonstrates how genres have been adapted over time to fit historical circumstances.

The list is based on the contents of the Book, sorted by chapters:

  • Film Pioneers
  • Scoring Cinema
  • Fantastic Film
  • Adventure Film
  • Der Heimatfilm
  • Comedy
  • Foreigners and Guest-workers
  • Queer German Cinema
  • Vergangenheitsbewältigung
  • Rubble Film
  • War Film
  • Historical Drama
  • Political Drama
  • The Berlin Wall

More information on this is also aviable on!


A list of movies which famous movie critic Roger Ebert considers to be the best movies of all-time. Ebert has written extensive reviews for each and every one of these movies.



The 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die list is actually a film reference book compiled by various critics worldwide and edited by Steven Jay Schneider. The list spans movies from as early as 1902 up to recent releases.



This is a complete list of every movie that has ever been included in the various editions of 1001 movies. Given that I only own one edition of the physical book, this is a easier way to keep track of what has been (once) considered essential viewing.


Since the 2015 TSPDT has released a companion to their greatest 1000 films, consisting of the films ranked 1001-2000. This list contains the most recent version of this list, with all the previous lists in the history.



Includes all the films of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Book, including films culled to make way for newer releases, up to the 2021 edition.


The decade of slow burners, atmosphere and maybe even a little bit of the occult.
