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Pain and Glory 2019

I'm surprised this film has such a low rating on here, i found it brilliant. It was the first time i watched an Almodovar film and I think i picked a great one to start with, because it turned me into a fan. Not only is the direction in this film brilliant, so is the writing and that's all down to him. You can tell it's auteur cinema, because there's this cohesiveness that's so satisfying and that pushes the narrative forward. It auto-references itself in a way that's surprising and moving and it tells someone's life story, set in different times, while almost making it feel like it's all happening at the same time. The past is so present and constant, there's so much intention in everything that's happening both in the flashbacks and in the present. This film feels like a spider-web but Almodovar simplifies it enough to make for a beautifully satisfying watching experience. The ending is just the cherry on top. Absolutely adored it!

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With “Parallel Mothers," I had only seen one movie by Pedro Almodóvar so far. However, after “Pain and Glory,” I think I know what defines a relatively typical film by the director. The narrative pace is rather leisurely; the story has autobiographical elements, and his relationship with his mother plays a prominent role. In contrast to “Parallel Mothers," though, I found the story here less engaging. That being said, Antonio Banderas is really convincing in the lead role, and visually, I can't fault the movie either. Almodóvar is without question a strong filmmaker. That's why I totally understand the good reviews; it just wasn't my cup of tea in the end.

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The original title of the film is Dolor y gloria.

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A simple yet effective introspective tale about a director in crisis who looks back on a lifetime of regrets and pain. This premise might remind you of another semi-autobiographical film from another European director, but rest assured, Almodovar could pull it off with personality and elegance.

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A heartwarming masterpiece that represents many of the reasons why Pedro Almodóvar is a master.

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It dragged and i had to pause a few times but it was also intense, i'll probably be thinking about that ending for the next couple of days

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Antonio Banderas is good. The story feels very personal and has a great ending.

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Shout by mercuriorosso

"A deeply personal and very moving film, anchored by the best work of Antonio Banderas' career."

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Shout by Tiago Sacramento

Never have I ever got so impressed and surprised by a movie like in this one. I had almost 0 expectation coming to this movie and it's just amazing. Super colorful and clever with the color choice. Dialogue pretty entertaining with some comedy involved. An interesting and kinda relatable story and a pretty satisfying ending.

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Amazing, my first Almodovar movie, and I completely loved it, amazing direction.

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Almodovár has always made personal films, and Dolor y Gloria (Pain and Glory) is one of his most autobiographical--sadly, not much has been going on in his life to base a movie on.

The cinematography is at times stunning, but the lack of cohesive story mean Pain and Glory would make a better painting than it does a film.

Still, those who love Almodovár will no doubt love this film, and with good reason. Unfortunately, for those of us who love his movies, we'll have to hold our breath and make a wish that another film comes soon.

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