Every year there are a huge number of movies that fly right under the radar of the average movie fan. movies that are great but just not that well known.

There are plenty of movie gems out there and hopefully this list will help you find some.

Feel free to submit new movies in the comments below.

This list contains movies/documentaries and short films. The list was originally created on IMDb. http://goo.gl/gHles


Douban.com (Chinese: 豆瓣; pinyin: Dòubàn), launched on March 6, 2005, is a Chinese social networking service website that allows registered users to record information and create content related to film, books, music, recent events, and activities in Chinese cities. It could be seen as one of the most influential web 2.0 websites in China.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 100 000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-09-12


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/latest-hd-fantasy-sci-fi-movies-top-rated-from-1980-to-today
Updated at 2024-06-02 04:53:04


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/latest-hd-crime-movies-top-rated-from-1980-to-today
Updated at 2024-06-02 06:59:09


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/latest-hd-drama-movies-from-1980-to-today
Updated at 2024-06-02 12:54:22


...the sexuality that cinema left us.


A selection of films, famed for their decision to throw convention out of the window. This list pays homage to the great surrealist films from the history of cinema.


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/garycrawfordgc/crime
Updated at 2024-06-02 07:17:23


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/garycrawfordgc/drama
Updated at 2024-06-02 04:54:37


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/adamosborne01/crime
Updated at 2024-06-02 07:04:14


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/rizreflects/visually-stunning
Updated at 2024-05-31 02:14:20


These are films that Quentin has mentioned in best-of lists, end of the year top films lists, QT Film Fests, podcasts, off-hand remarks in interviews, etc.

These have been sourced from many lists online, and made available here, in one spot, for your enjoyment.


Please comment on any that I may have missed.


Period/costume dramas I’ve watched -
From prehistory to the 1920s


You've seen The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, The Blob. But are you familiar with The Exorcist III, Amityville II: The Possession or The Blob remake? Or minor masterpieces like Incubus, The Black Pit of Dr. M or Ichi The Killer? Fright film fans need look no further that this indispensable guide from the experts at Rue Morgue, the world's leading horror in culture and entertainment magazine. Concisely written with a view to expanding the horror film lover's palette, 200 ALTERNATIVE HORROR FILMS YOU NEED TO SEE outlines those cinematic gems you ay have missed - classic and contemporary, mainstream and obscure, home-made and foreign... and those films that simply need to make your viewing list. Featuring interviews with Guillermo del Toro, Tobe Hooper, Gaspar Noe, Roger Corman, Fred Dekker, Larry Cohen, Stuart Gordon, Ed Sanchez and more. Plus the top gore films, slashers, vampire flicks, foreign zombie movies, family fright fests and tons more!


NC17 | 18+ | R | A | MA [in English] + Independent Movies

D: Suggestive Dialog
E: Erotica
FV: Fantasy Violence (used only for the TV-Y7 level)
L: Coarse or crude Language
MA: Mature Audience
S: Sexual Situations
V: Violence
