Personal Lists featuring...

Picnic at Hanging Rock 1975


A list created from Google Sheets


Please note that due to collections movie numbers in this list are not reflected in the official Criterion spine number. However, all films added to this list are added to the list in the same order as the spine number.


All 4K releases in the US


Images of unforgettable terror and strange beauty exist side by side in these darkly imaginative works that fuse genre chills with formal innovation. Tapping into horror’s potential to manifest our subconscious fears, visionary directors like David Lynch (Eraserhead), Dario Argento (Suspiria), and Georges Franju (Eyes Without a Face) embrace the genre’s surreal side, inviting us on hallucinatory journeys into dreamlike dread. From cult classics (Carnival of Souls) and influential landmarks (Night of the Living Dead) to international shockers (Cure) and one-of-a-kind hybrids (The Lure), these films push the genre to its most out-there limits.


Got old during the pandemic, don't wanna go out any more. Just gonna keep watching movies.
