Shouts about...

Pixels 2015

I've liked it much more than expected from ratings! Funnier than most Adam's stuff, and Tyrion and Ned were great.

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Shout by Dity

Ok, let's break this down:

- Homophobia
- Michelle's character is constantly insulted for half the film by Sandler, all because he didn't brush his teeth
- Women are used as a reward for the men even right from the first present day scene
- Game characters post-1982 used
- The jokes made by the cinema audience were funnier than any joke in the film

- Adam Sandler says "Donkey Kong"

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Fun movie but Ludlow was very cringe.

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Surprisingly good. Always thought it was an animated children’s movie after seeing the poster, but that’s not the case at all. Saw a instragram reel about the first time they went to the White House, very funny scene. Decided to look what movie it was, and watched it later the same day. Michelle Monaghan always good, Peter Dinklage to.

But I have two questions.

How did that nerd become president of the United States
Those Q*Berty baby’s at the end, how? Just how? :joy::joy:

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Loved the arcade nostalgia. Other humor was not so appealing.

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It’s game on in the goofball comedy Pixels. After mistaking a message from a NASA probe as an intergalactic military challenge, an alien race sends an army to Earth to fight a series of battles, each based on a classic arcade game, that will determine the fate of humanity. Starring Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, and Peter Dinklage, the film has a fairly strong cast. The writing however, is rather poor; as the writers seem to have an idea of what they want to do, but don’t quite know how to get there. Still, the action sequences are pretty good and use the video game motif especially well.Pixels is entertaining and delivers a few laughs, but it’s a bit muddled at times.

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A very creative film about old school video games being brought to life in a unique way as supposed aliens misread an old message from NASA and take it as a threat so they send a video game army to destroy the Earth but gives Earth a chance to fight back. The plot set up is golden and the casting is awesome as it begins the film with a bit of a look into the characters' past. It is funny, action packed, uniquely weird and well written.

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Goofy as hell, but as a kid of the 80s, it was a lot of fun.

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Some classic unbound humor, really needed this with all The Netflix movies coming out with forced things.

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omg brooke davis :fearful::fearful: hi!!!

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Probably the biggest missed opportunity … ever?
It’s clearly complete and utter shite in every sense, but the concept’s kind of a stroke of genius.


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The pixels movie is about voxels, the title is all wrong. The movie was decent.

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One of Adam Sandler’s best recent films, a great original idea.

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Shout by Deleted

Adam Sandler is a GAMER??

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Technically and graphically very impressive.. story was at the very least interesting.. but unfortunately even as an Adam sandler fan from his early work.. I find the acting and characters of the "familiar faces" to just be repeats of same generic personas from other movies. The jokes seem rehashed and tired no enthusiasm.. even all the classic retro references fail to keep me excited (done much better in ready player one) not the worst Sandler movie. But not worth watching over and over to see if you missed anything.

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I was going to give this dumb movie a 9/10 but the final scene at the credits cemented it as a 10/10. People giving this low scores must be absolutely humorless people. Also I’m not even old. I never played any of this stuff in arcades, but you still have to be living under a rock to not recognize Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Centipede, Asteroids, Frogger, etc. even if you are a zoomer.

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It was way better than expected. It’s one of those movies where ratings don’t matter at all. Definitely worth your time.

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Normally I don't like Adam Sandler movies, but I liked this one. I'd pair it with Ready Player One for a night of nostalgia.

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Unfortuantely, I've never been a fan of Adam Sandler's comedy. However, I loved this movie! But to be honest, I think I only liked it because of the "time warp," element to it. I think if it wasn't for those game pieces coming alive, this would have been a worthless movie. It was the only way I could tolerate his kind of comedy.

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Absolutely love the star-studded cast. Didn't think that 5he movies consisted of Adam Sandler and Peter Dinklage at first look. Also, maybe because Game of Thrones is life.

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Please make more pixels, i really liked it

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I'm always interested in a film which has a concept revolving around video games. It was funny in parts and graphically it was pretty good.
The film was a bit stupid really, but that's the point, it was very self aware. It was funny at times and had some good banter between the characters. But at the same time it was very predictable and weak in areas.
I'm not the biggest Adam Sandler fan and he didn't change my opinion in this film.

Overall, its watchable but not something you would watch more than once.

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I pushed play for the kids ppphhhffrrrrttt

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So I've just seen Pixels and it was pretty terrible, and were you seriously surprised about that.

-The acting was bad
- Adam Sandler not trying anymore.
- The effect's were alright.
- Josh Gad was so annoying in this movie, I mean he wouldn't stop shouting.
- Peter Dinklage was the only saving grace in the movie.
- Kevin James is an idiot.

I know some are expecting a long detail review of this, but to be honest I want to save my strength and energy for another movie I'm going to review and that's 'The Third Man'. I'm really taking my time with that and make the best out of it so before I review a masterpiece like The Third Man, here's something really shitty.

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Didn't think I'd really like this but wanted to see what it was all about. It was better than I expected, quite funny in parts. And Josh Gad is the star of the film (As he always is!)

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Shout by Deleted

I still feel like this movie got unjustly blasted! I think those who hated it didn't really get many of the references contained throughout. Sure, there is plenty of the childish humor that Sandler has always been known for. But don't forget - he IS a comedian at his core. Bottom line, this movie is simple goofy fun. And those of us from the '80's can enjoy naming all of the classic games!

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You had to live in 8-bit era to fully admire that movie ;>

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I feel bad for Chris Columbus. Since he actually said that making Pixels reminded him of working films like Gremlins or Goonies in the 80's. When you're teaming with Sandler and Happy Madison, you're not making another Goonies or Gremlins....
Talented Michelle Monaghan is wasted as Sandler's love interest. She was just picked on and nominated for a Razzie just for being in it. She's not the problem though.
I mean the film is about aliens taking over by bringing 80's video game characters to life. As a fan of video games, Wreck it Ralph did more for me. Since this film is more Sandler and friends trying to be funny rather than about the video game characters.
You also have Josh Gad "the guy who's popular just due to talking for Olaf in Frozen" singing Everybody Wants to Rule the World, was I supposed to laugh at that ? Because I didn't. I also didn't believe Adam Sandler as the guy smarter than everyone else when he acts like a jackass non-stop.

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Shout by Deleted

I don't think I've ever hated anything more. I would rather get another root canal than watch this movie again. 10/10 would keep away from.

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Weird, I was pretty sure I saw a trailer where Chris Pratt was the main guy. wth happened? I think I just experienced a Mandela effect or sth. lol. It was fairly funny. It's alright, watchable. But there are many things that doesn't make sense.

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I've just finished to watch this funny movie! It's totally amazing! I could watch it a thousand times! It makes me laugh so much! So cool!

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Shout by Deleted

Fun movie with great special effects. Better than the other recent Adam Sandler productions.

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So boring. Apart from a few decent jokes in the first 30 minutes It was terrible.

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Honestly, what are the issues people have with this movie? It's not a great movie, but it's fun and very watchable. Is it his best stuff? No. Is it his worst? Far from it.

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Being one of those arcade nerds, I had some moments in this movie I really enjoyed. Too bad the rest of the movie is rather lame.

I love Michelle Monaghan! She's one of the few actors I know of that can make almost any movie watchable. She almost succeeds doing that with Pixels as well...but not entirely. The movie has a funny concept...and quite a bit nostalgic for someone like me, but the script makes it dull and boring. The rest of the cast doesn't make it much better. Adam Sandler & Friends should really turn in their Actors Guild membership cards. I laughed at a few lines, but mostly this movie is not that good.

...and Qbert turning into a babe at the end....what the hell was that about.

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Shout by Deleted

Only watched it for Ashley Benson but it wasn't all that bad, wasn't the best of Adam Sandler. But some parts were a little funny.

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This is easily the best Adam Sandler movie in ages and by best, I mean that it's actually possible to watch it without wanting to press eject after few minutes which is a huge improvement. The loads of gaming and pop culture reference in the movie is actually more entertaining than Sandler's comedy and was my primary reason to watch this movie. The plot is stupid but that was expected as for the characters to be very superficial. Funny enough, one thing that annoyed me was to see Kevin James being the president because, somehow, I would think that we have more chances to be invaded by aliens made of pixels than Kevin James becoming the president.

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I would say I am target audience, as I was born in 1979 and played pacman, arkanoid, space invaders, digger, paratroopers, etc etc. And I played them a lot.
But the first 20 minutes was not funny, not entertaining, it was as watching a very bad version of sci-fi revenge of the nerds. And a rather pathetic version at that.
Yes, I guess that word soms up this movie: pathetic.

I love the whole idea and possibly this story could have proven a fun movie with many retro elements. But unfortunately this movie does not go beyond a pathetic display of how 'nerds' live and behave. Or how Hollywood perceives it.
Adam Sandler is annoying as always and this "Ludlow" person by Josh Gad is absolutely terrible.

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Mildly entertaining, probably more so if you actually played the games wayyyyyy back. Other than that there isn´t much going for the movie. No story, exaggerated characters, clichés all over. The look of the games is good, though.

But please, no sequel.

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Despite the big nostalgia factor and the fun city attacks from the classic game icons, it all falls flat.. Silly jokes aside, I don't think Sandler and the rest are interesting to watch for except Peter Dinklage.. I still have fond memories of the old games from the eighties, this film is failry forgettable..

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I dont think this movie was bad coz of Adam Sandler, as many claim. It was bad completely by itself. Just plain stupid.. I get that its supposed to be entertaining and not logical, but... Simply DUMB.

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Shout by Deleted

I think most people understand what they're getting into when they start up an Adam Sandler movie. So it should be no surprise that this movie kind of sucks. I stopped after 15 minutes. Probably not worth the time.

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I don't know if I'm supposed to dislike this movie, or if I enjoyed it more because I know the referenced games, or if the environment I watched it in and who I watched it with influenced my experience, or if I didn't have very high expectations after seeing people and popular websites crap on it just like on most Adam Sandler movies - but I quite enjoyed this. I had a few laughs, always liked Kevin James as well. I suppose I just have a bad taste in movies. Regardless, I had fun watching this at home with a drink and some pizza.

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Pretty good movie. I liked it most of the way through until the end when they tried wrapping up the plot. I kinda wish the movie would of developed more or had a different way it would have gone. When they are bringing in the different characters and developing the story I thought it was a fun movie.

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Shout by Deleted

enjoyed the movie, I considered it good and entertaining. didn't really have high expectations, but it wasn't nearly as bad as some have made it out to be.

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Shout by Deleted

Got to admit, I had more fun than I thought.

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Very funny and very entertaining flick. I don't understand all the haters, Josh Gad was awesome on the film

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Would probably be better without Happy Madison's involvement. You have Adam Sandler as a smart nerd "miscast" and his buddy Kevin James at the President "miscast". While Michelle Monahan another pretty talented woman wasted as a Sandler love interest.
While Josh Gad tries too hard to be funny especially during his unnecessary and unfunny singing scenes. Peter Dinklage who doesn't do his best work still easily out acts Sandler and gets more laughs.

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Pixels is uninspired, boring and makes the one and three quarter running time feel like an eternity. A waste of your time.

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I love the idea. I love the effects. The Mini-Ghost cars are awesome. everything else was shit.

Adam Sandler was Adam Sandler. I had to accept that. Why did the female romantic interest go from hating him to adoring him? Q*Bert was a travesty as was Josh Gad's female video game character love interest (that whole thing was gross). The only people laughing in the cinema were kids who didn't get the references are were there for the slapstick.

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Shout by Debbiie
BlockedParent2015-09-02T22:45:49Z— updated 2017-01-11T06:12:36Z

I've liked it much more than expected after the reviews I read...Like most of Adam's movies, I love Pixels!

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It's bad enough to be funny. The movies at itself have no sense, however some jokes are clever. Even though, 80's video games references make it fun enough too.

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The makers of Pixels were faced with what I imagine was pretty difficult task of making a film that appealed to both young audiences as well as the folks who grew up with the games and references featured in the film. Taking that into consideration, I did enjoy the movie. To be honest, it wasn't as "nerdy" as I had expected and hoped but it was entertaining.
The special effects were outstanding for the most part. There were only a couple of instances where the green screen effect was sloppy. You'll catch them no doubt.
It was a Happy Madison production so the cast was a lot of familiar faces. And the song choice was predictable. But didn't really hinder the film at all.
As for story, it wasn't awful. There were a few times when I just couldn't go along with it. But for the most part it didn't feel forced. It was all very funny and typical Adam Sandler humor.
There's nothing after the credits but during the credits you can watch the entire film in 8-bit format. Pretty cool.

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