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Power Rangers 2017

the amount of times i have already seen this movie is too much <3

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Let me tell you what makes this move so bad ranked from most likely reason to least likely reason.

1.) Becky G. (My dislike for this woman grew as the movie went on. Why is this woman even working in Hollywood? Oh wait, cause she is "kinda" cute)
2.) Naomi Scott (I second what I said with Becky on this one.)
3.) Ludi Lin (Everything this man said in the movie was torture to hear.)
4.) RJ Cyler
5.) Dacre Montgomery (Was WAYYYYY better in "It")

Trash, utterly and completely. Casting has gone to shit with having to please everyone these days...

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I had high expectations about this movie and now that i've seen it, i can finally say: IT'S AMAZING! The characters are well developed, awesome fight scenes, special effects are stunning and the script is very well written. GO SEE IT, AND YOU WON'T REGRET! #ItsMorphinTime

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loved this movie, cast was amazing and loved everything about it

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I really wish this movie would have got a sequel. It's such a fun watch.

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I wasn't expecting much out of this movie. However I feel like it really delivered. I don't remember much from the original series to be fair. Only that I loved it as a kid. Sure the dialog was a little iffy but we are talking about teenagers who save the world so I guess this would be geared towards that age group. Honestly this goes under the category of "haters going to hate. And I loved it." I really hope they make another one I feel like this franchise could go far potentially.

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If you're expecting a complex storyline and award winning performances, you're expecting the wrong things. This reboot is far from such and it's meant to be that way--playful, fun, and does exactly what it's supposed to. So sit back and enjoy reminiscing your childhood.

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This movie is literally the best remake I've ever seen.
Everything was just perfect and based on the Mighty Morphin series. I loved every character, from Alpha to Rita, every single one of them did a grat job. I was just screaming with the little details that counted so much, like Alpha's "Ay, ay, ay"; and the song... OMG I didn't expected the song, it was so awesome I just cried. This is a great movie. The last scene, was incredible, i can't wait to see Tommy :D

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I went to the cinema keeping my expectations on the low side.

I left pleasantly surprised :)

Good acting, good humor, good visuals, maybe the last part was a bit rushed, but it's ok anyway.

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Why would you even attempt to stretch something so anus over 2 hours? Typical big roaring villain bs.

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Looks like Power Rangers meets Transformers meets Chronicle meets Fantastic Four reboot.

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The dialogue is flat, the plotting random, really bad acting. Nothing was believable to me.
I had a hard time keep watching it to the end.
To me this movie was just awful.

But, I guess if you are kid or a teenager, you would like it!!!

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I really wanted to love the movie, a modern Power Rangers, but it was hard to pull off.

It's not a bad movie but you can only modernize it so much since it was still stuck in Angel Grove. Elizabeth Banksdid a fantastic job playing her character with attitude. The back story took a little too long and I wanted more from the Power Rangers themselves.

If your a fan of the show it will only bring back good memories, its like your on a fun ride and you will enjoy it.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie could have been way better than it was. For starters, the movie looked like it was made from television. The plot and subject matter overall was ok, but it too WAY too late now to build up to the climax of the movie (like an hour and half way too long). This movie had a lot of potential to be good, but it just didn't deliver. I'm kind of disappointed.

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it's just a full-length advertisement for Krispy Kreme, Samsung, etc and im sick & tired of it

they really ruined a great opportunity with this property

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This is the first comment that i made on this site. This movie was such a suprise for me that i actually had to do it.

Power Rangers took me by suprise. I expected something dull and straight bad, instead i got an actually good movie which took me right back to my childhood when i was in love with the show. It got me intrested and happy. This is a well made Power Rangers movie.
If you're thinking about watching it then just go and do just that. Movie's worth it.

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Never watched the show...and after watching this.. never will ppphhhffrrrrttt

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I was never fan of the original series, i found it extremely bad tasted and cheesy as hell, totally out of my era. The movie was felt almost the same, it is outdated and should remain in the past with no follow ups.

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so this is it huh? we some kind of krispy kreme squad?

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In this movie you follow a cheap Zack Efron knock-off and his group of stereotypes on a quest of cheesiness... The entire movie felt like a bad Nickelodeon movie with a somewhat higher production cost. Everything felt forced and seemed too coincidental to be believable. For example: the robot waited 62 million years for the new power rangers to arive and exactly on that day Rita Repulsa came back. Also the given names were cringeworthy. Rita Repulsa and her army of Putties.... come on. Would not recommend if you expect something good. I cannot believe they got Brian Cranston and Elizabeth Banks to star in this movie. The worst thing is that I'm marginally positive about a lot of films but this was just hard to watch.

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Got dragged to this by my friends, wasn't my thing really. However was better than I thought it would be. It actually had a backstory and a plot that made sense.

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Why? How? The TV show was bad, but still much better than this. At least that had power rangers in it.

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As a child I was a big Power Ranger fan so I wanted to watch this movie. Unfortunately, it was very disappointing. As a fan, I want to see the power rangers in their suits with fun fighting scenes... Unfortunately, this was only offered after 90 minutes, when the film was almost over. I also thought Zordan was less sympathetic towards the Rangers, we don't know him that way. So I expected more and I don't think this is an addition

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If you forget about how the originals power rangers were, their roles and friendship.
Never mind. Watch the movie as you had never heard of the concept power rangers and you will enjoy it :slight_smile:

I actually laughed in some scenes and enjoyed the lack of exaggerated moves.
And it was nice to see the originals pink and green rangers doing a cameo

To bad it didn't get a sequel

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The draw to this movie was Naomi Scott. The resistance to this movie was POWER RANGERS. Naomi’s charisma won. It was better than I expected. We could see more of each ranger in armour so their actions weren’t reduced to overly dramatic pantomime. There was some character development. I give this movie a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Superhero Action]

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Actually pretty decent until the Power Rangers theme plays and the villain is bitch slapped to space.

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I can compare this movie to “The Barney’s Show”… terrible

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Shout by Lundox

Interesting cast.
Bad idea.
Terrible execution.
Skip it, you won't miss anything.

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This movie was a very expensive ad for samsung

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We should call it a 'Mama-Zord'
Well, that was nostalgic fun. And the theme song...

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Shares some of the tropes of the 2015 Fantastic Four movie - too long a build up, less time on suiting up - but its less disposable than that disastrous effort. I've never been a Power Rangers fan, and while the film is no classic, it was better than I expected. Like the aforementioned superhero movie, however, it still falls uncomfortably between a a dark sci-fi drama and kids superhero flick.

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Very good movie, Rita is ... just strange, she's note the Rita i watched when young on the TV Show and not so good CGI for the Megazord didn't make it a bad movie, it's cool and of course very nostalgic to watch a Power Rangers movie, it's worth watching it specially because of the Pink and Yellow Rangers, if you know what i mean ;-)

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Shout by Rodrigo Paredes

Surprisingly better than i thought! (Given I went it with real low expectations)

I found the plot development thrilling, and the kids weren't that bad acting...
Brought me a good nostalgy from my childhood, the typical hero journey rollout was well developed. Proposition achieved, i'd say!

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I hope the creators read this.

This was atrocious. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Everything is wrong with this movie.
where is the original tv series theme?
billy is not black, he's white.
megazord: are you kidding me?
acting is terrible. in fact, this isn't even acting.
no "it's morphin' time!!"
2 hours of boring story and 10 minutes of actual fighting
rita: what were they thinking...

please cancel future sequels.

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As someone who grew up with the original Mighty Morphin series, this film has a serious nostalgia factor. The characters may be a bit different, but the heart of the franchise shines through quite well. However, the movie itself has some issues: Not only was there way too much profanity, including an overuse of the s-word, but some of the scenes were creepier than anything I've seen in any incarnation of the Rangers. If you thought Lord Zedd was scary, some moments in this flick make him look like a cute, cuddly puppy. Having Rita wear a see-through, net top in one scene was also unnecessary. Though the final battle was intense, the last moment--simply swatting Rita away--was a bit anticlimactic. Even with its problems, this was fun; still, I'm glad this one flopped, because I'd much rather watch the Rangers on television. The original theatrically released Mighty Morphin film, as well as Turbo, proved that Saban's superheroes should stick to the small screen...and this film just proves it even further.

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I wish it had a better score, because those 10 seconds of 'go go' just wasn't enough for me. For the rest, it has the same cringeworthy bad storylines (what story?) as the 90s series, the same dumb line delivery and stupid writing and the same bad acting. If I had to rate this movie based as a standalone, it would have scored much lower than the 5 it gets now. Because you do not make a good and realistic Power Rangers movie that has high standards. That would just be stupid.

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It was entertaining. Especially the scene where the characters get to know each others. I also thought that the actors were doing a good job! 7/10 for mighty power rangers and nostalgic feelings - don't take this movie too serious though!

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Sorry but this movie was so amazingly boring that I didn't manage to fully finish it without falling asleep. Amazing that everyone is trying with the retro now but don't get it right…

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A decent update, but there were alot of unnecessary additions. The pointless race-swapping was weird and forced. The score felt like it was trying a little too hard to be edgy and the action wasn't quite as bombastic as it needed to be. All of the campy fun of the original is nowhere to be seen and it loses points for that. Stylistically I guess it looked pretty cool though.

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Shout by KennyGJr

Great intro movie and I can see a whole bunch of these movies coming out.

The whole Krispy Kreme plug was a little much, and I hope they don't keep doing this with every movie.

I would suggest anyone who's never seen or heard of power rangers, to see this movie.

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Shout by nicke
BlockedParent2017-06-25T21:28:50Z— updated 2018-11-24T22:50:36Z

Decent cinematography, good music. Ugliest villain ever, terrible last act.

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Shout by Deleted

Just like most people I expected Power Rangers to be garbage. Surprisingly it turned out to be a very worthy blockbuster with solid characters. It feels like a hybrid of the Breakfast Club with the modern day superhero movies. It takes a nice mix of young and experienced actors all of which do pretty solid work. Elizabeth Banks may be a little too cartoony with the villain role but I think she may have just been doing what she asked. I would definitely watch a sequel but whether it will happen or not remains to be seen.

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A waste of your time if you are over 15. It was worse than I had expected and I didn't have high expectations to begin with.

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The product placement in this film is absolutely offensive.

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Shout by Marie

This was actually pretty cool. A well-intentioned action movie for kids. I don't think there's nothing quite like it out there right now, since Transformers is hardly adequate. I had a great time. I hope they get enough to make a second part, as great as it is to have educational and great Pixar movies, sometimes kids deserve to watch huge robots punching each other.

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Shout by Deleted

It was good and funny

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A fun visually pleasing reboot of the original 90s TV show

It's a good blend of nostalgia and modernization

Fans of the original show will not be disappointed

Overall it's not the best film out there it's probably not going to win any Oscars but it's a very enjoyable

Sci-Fi Action Movie

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Achieves what it sets out to be: a pilot for a Saturday morning live action cartoon series.

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Shout by Deleted

A very good origin movie for the Power Rangers, the trailers made it look darker than it turned out to be, but these Rangers feel like real people with real problems not the stock personalities of the Mighty Morphing Era of the show (not that I minded those it had a great camp Adam West feel, but the direction is refreshingly different here).

I do feel the pacing could have been tightened up, and Trini could have had more time to be developed. In particular it would have been great to see her coming out to her parents. Perhaps they can give her an onscreen girlfriend for the next movie, especially if the rumors are true and Tommy is going to be a girl, since they seem to be building up Kim and Jason.

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Shout by Deleted

Was a pretty awesome movie, I wish we would have seen them fight abit more outside the zords but I guess that will come with the future movies, as this one is basically setting the story, all in all was a good watch, can't wait to watch it now with my nieces and nephews :D had to watch it on my own first. And what a perfect ending the original Kimberley and the one and only green ranger Tommy, and Jason I think that was him there aswell lol

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Shout by orlando gutierrez

I love it, I know this is really far from being a perfect superhero movie, but the thing i love about it is that is totally made for fans, i mean if you were a kid who used to spend the time after school watching the original show then this movie will make you remind all that time, and the best is that it really made a history of each character and made you understand why they are the chosen ones, and it transform the power rangers in a real superhero team.

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This movie's lika a King's novel - for 1.5h there's just talkin', for the rest half an hour all hell break loose, giant mosnters fight! Good storytelling :)

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Its exactly what I expected from a reboot. Nice call backs to the original series but still different enough to make it its own thing. Could of used more zord fighting but there is always the next movie. Bryan Cranston is good as Zordon, its cool he was able to come back after he was two monsters in the show. We get to see the real green ranger next movie.

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I didn't expect much out of the movie. However, I left with a pleasant experience. The intro was pretty intense, though the character development only goes so far; with you getting a slight glimpse into the lives of each Power Ranger. But, that's fine. I was okay with what i got. Surprisingly, the humor in it was pretty good also. Visuals were fun, and I thought Elizabeth Banks did a good job .. as well as Bill Hader and Bryan Cranston.

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Couldn't believe what I was watching for the first 80% of the movie - character development, cool actors, good acting... then 15 minutes or so of what I remembered power rangers to be. Not holding the last 15 minutes against it too much, it was a good movie.

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