Shouts about...

Replicas 2018


Shout by Deleted

10/10.......high recomended action fantasy movie

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I must admit I did enjoy this movie. :)

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I enjoyed this movie. If you were faced with choices what would you do? ⁉Well worth a watch.

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Overall pretty great. But I didn't feel it was all that necessary for the company to not be medical anymore, to be... evil war people. That just made it too unbelievable.

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So apparently the breaks went out? Only in a movie would someone not even slow down...

The first 30-45 minutes is a bit of a struggle, but I was actually pleasantly surprised with the rest of the movie.

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This movie isn’t perfect but it is underrated. There are plot holes, the story is futuristic, even ridiculous but I liked it and that’s that!

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Liked it could have had a couple of things done better acting wise but good concept. Don't want to be too critical after all it is sci fi.

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This is a sci-fi snack, not a dinner. Don't go into it expecting the best of the best, it feels more like an indie short film. I watched it without any expectations and enjoyed it :thumbsup:

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I'm glad I watched it. However. This story would have been better served by spanning it over several seasons of episodes; there is way way way too much going on. I'm a staunch sci-fi fan, yet ALL the scifi things just happened/progressed/clicked so quickly; the brilliance of scifi is how people respond and cope and grow (or not) in the face of crisis and change and opportunity and realization. Because so much was happening and the transitions so blisteringly fast, the human component was likewise skimmed. I'd watch the same type of film again, though couldn't commend it, and will remain sad that better justice wasn't done to the story, actors, and concepts by giving them a proper format rather than an ultra-abridged movie version.

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A high tech "pet sematary". That is all.

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How can I best describe this movie. Hmmm... It's made up of a whole lot of dumb. But if you can brush that aside for the duration of the movie, then it doesn't turn out absolutely terrible. It's an interesting idea that could have been done way better.

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Okay, so it's not a great movie. The science is unexplained, there are plot holes aplenty, and the script makes some weird turns. And yet I enjoyed it regardless, probably because I went in with very low expectations. It's no Matrix then, but thankfully, it isn't Johnny Mnemonic, either.

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This movie was creepy as it progressed. A movie which dealt on WHAT-IF scenario. Enjoyed the movie as it progressed but did expect more on the ending. 1Time watchable movie. 6/10

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Promised more than it delivered.

Fair movie, good for one quick watch but ultimately too many little things I didn't like. At the core of the story lies a classic scifi theme but the whole plot is too predictable to generate real tension.
Felt altogether like straight out of the 90ties.

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everything was just terrible, i love keanu but he has to stop doing all these shitty movies

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just mediocre enough for me to be entertained. the fact that this was made in 2018 and minority report in 2002 and the effects are comparable makes me wonder how much of a time crunch the vfx department was under. i happened to let the credits run and it looks like at least seven different vfx agencies were involved, so that might have something to do with it. nothing is ever good when too many groups with different work styles get involved, no matter how talented each one may be.

i love keanu though. i have no idea why, he's such a wooden actor. dialogue was generally terrible though, so it wasn't exactly out of place.

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An interesting premise and an unexpected twist at the end (in a movie that, otherwise, was highly predictable) but the journey was long and flat and only the last quarter was any part thriller. I've only given up on two movies in my life and I came close to walking away from this one (or fast forwarding through it). Usually a fan of Keanu Reeves, I found his acting manic (even before the tragedy that sets the plot). Indeed, I found all the acting flat or monotone. Disappointedly, I give this film a 5 (meh) out of 10. [SciFi Thriller]

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watching this movie and realizing why it was for sale for $2.49 at Dollar General

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Conceptually appealing but lacking in substance and complexity. The story requires you to acknowledge and overlook William's questionable ethics as much as you suspend your disbelief. It is also unnecessarily drawn out considering the simple structure.

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Keanu Reeves stars in the indie sci-fi drama Replicas. When William Foster’s family dies in a car crash he attempts to save them using cutting edge cloning and AI technology. Reeves gives a rather weak performance and doesn’t get much help from the rest of the cast. Also, the CGi is pretty poor; not terrible, just substandard. And the plot is quite predictable; though there are a few interesting turns and intriguing ideas. Replicas isn’t so much a bad film, as a generic and passionless one.

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the concept is good, personally I like sci-fi movies (if this is still SCFI), the performances a bit lazy, KR acts the same in all his films. I do not understand why the credits are in Russian. It is a good approach to the issue of transferring consciousness, it is solved well, it makes sense, the woman reacts well, too well I would say. I recommend the movie, but it's not a movie bomb.

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Shout by Deleted

I started off hating it. Bad decision after bad decision. The way he kept looking away from the road, I wanted him to wreck. And when it came time to choose who to save, of course the wife is guaranteed a pod, but FFS dude, so TF is the youngest child, she's obviously the heart of the family and this obviously causes a rift, but makes for a touching ending.

The final act was pretty... alright, I suppose.

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Plot holes up the wazu, worst CGI I've seen in the last 15 years at least, the story it self is good, it was just badly made imo.

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This movie is bad. It's so bad in fact that one could argue it's good. Me and my friend watched this movie and were laughing the whole time about how absurd the characters are behaving. Where there are million other options to solve a problem and the characters go into 'there's just no other way' mode.

For example, Keanu only had 3 tanks and 4 family members he wanted to clone. The movie went to this dramatic scene about how he needs to choose someone who will not be cloned. Turns out it was his daughter Zoe. Why don't you just clone Zoe right after you cloned the others? You now have 3 empty tanks. "There's no other way".

There are countless examples like this in the movie, where the script is forcing the characters to act in ways that defy logic just to push the story forward.

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So it's Frankenstein meets I, Robot.

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Shout by Adafeloz

So he clones his asshole boss to prevent him from making war machines, but he doesn't clone his only friend who had helped him ALL along? What the actual fuck. Also at the end they were like "Welp, guess there is equipment to make 2 more clones after all!" and he cloned his boss AND his daughter. Why didn't he clone her before then. Such a dumb movie.

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I went into this expecting so much more. Hoping for so much more.
Even Keanu can't make a proper flick out of this mess. Rotten Tomatoes score of like 10% is probably quite close. Not even sure why I gave it a 4 out of 10...

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Yeah, this movie was bad! Half baked idea by the character first off, then the attempt at humor in the movie seemed stupid. Stick to John Wick movies, Keanu.

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Buried somewhere deep there is a good movie here, but the screenwriting, the budget, and pacing absolutely kill it. Many plot holes. This movie suffers from being completely half baked. With some screenwriting talent and some more money this could have been a decent sci-fi thriller, but as it stands this movie was complete garbage.

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Ok.. let me start by saying, this was a good idea... Really from a scientific point it was a good premises.. Keanu is Keanu.. never bad..
But from that premises.. everything.. and I mean everything goes downhill.. Alice Eve is HORRIBLE! flat like cardboard.. only playing the "pretty blond wife"... the "boss" John Ortiz typical bad boss.. bad character.. FLAT..

The plot if loaded with holes.. I mean seriously it's a gigantic mess..
I can understand him deleting the memories of Zoe in the family.. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD?!?!

The whole Minority Report Interface.. is old.. outdate and simply put.. STUPID!! it makes zero sense.. the CGI is 1990's level.. The spent all the budge on the interface.. and the "robocop" is just.. nasty..

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Great idea for a movie but execution is awful.

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Damn, how big were those plot holes!?

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Too many plot holes, which make the movie impossible to enjoy. That's really sad to be honest, the concept is creative and interesting. I'd love to see that same story on a better executed movie one day. The acting was awful, not sure how a movie can be filled with so much shitty acting, definitely one of Keanu's worst performances. Not even gonna comment on Alice Eve.

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For something to qualify as science fiction there must be some strand of believable science in there somewhere.
They're not even trying here and it's far to slow paced to really be a thriller either.
Just terrible from start to finish.

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me to Keanu

The things I do for love.

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I did not expect the film to have a lot of credibility, but it is that the script has nowhere to catch it and the interpretations are completely flat and linear

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Shout by Deleted

By far the worst movie I ve ever seen. All I can say is FOR REAL?

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Starts off with attempting to copy the brain, to download into a robot, but all of a sudden they figure out how to clone & just do that until they remember the robot bit.

The entire thing is ridiculous, you will laugh a lot, or you'll say 'this if fucking shit' & turn it off.
I have a theory that Keanu Reeves isn't in this film, just a clone of him.
all the acting is dreadful, did they have guns to their heads? None of the cast had the ability to talk the dir. into allowing them a few dialogue changes that would make the story they're telling make some sense.

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i just couldn't go pass the fact that someone almost went full frontal with a truck and decides to keep driving....

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Genius scientist. Doesn't know how to drive

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I enjoyed the concept of the whole thing, but I don't get why the CGI has to be that bad for a 2018 film. Don't watch this in theaters, you probably end up very disappointed.

And why is it that he needs car batteries all of a sudden, haven't seen a power outage, no one mentions bad power connections to the house. Could have just waited until the morning to get a redundant setup, instead of stealing the entire neighborhoods car batteries.
One thing really stood out though, in the part that they trying to escape by boat, why take the children and the his wife and just leave him on the pier? I mean those bodyguard bad guys aren't that stupid right? Running car with the driver missing?
Could go on with few more things but it isn't even worth it.
I really like Keanu and his acting was sublime for the role he had to play, maybe this was a budget problem.
Anyway this could have been a great movie if most of the plot holes were fixed and ofcourse the CGI had been good enough. (I, robot 14 years ago looked better).

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