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Return to Oz 1985

Director Walter Murch claims he never intended for this to be a direct sequel to The Wizard of Oz, which sounds to me like a weak excuse for an underachieving film. If I were to release Return to Casablanca, set in an east African nightspot, with Rick Blaine pining over the girl he chased away, I can claim it's unrelated all I like but the comparisons will still be made.

Dorothy's return to the world of her imagination is similar in subject matter, with constant references to the MGM classic and cameos by all of the original characters, but feels much more twisted and sinister in tone. Not that the first Oz was lacking in terrifying material - the flying monkeys alone must have fueled millions of nightmares - but those moments were balanced by an optimistic, sing-songy spirit and bright outlook on life. This is more like something from the depths of Tim Burton's catalog, minus the off-kilter conscience. Strange, dark and eerie, it compensates for the lack of a clear purpose by overloading the audience with weirdness. A real head-scratcher.

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Disney bastardizes a classic with Return to Oz. Dorothy runs away back to Oz where she finds that the Nome King has conquered the land and imprisoned the Scarecrow. Despite the rich material of the Oz novels, the script is poorly written and the characters are boring and trite; even Dorothy as lost her luster. Additionally, the effects are rather weak (especially for Disney), and make for a cheap and colorless world. The music is also quite mundane and bland. Return to Oz has no magic or charisma, and does a terrible job at realizing the imaginative world of L. Frank Baum.

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I was aware of this movie existing forever. I recently watched it and it is far better than I would have thought.

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An under-rated adventure/fantasy that you won’t enjoy if you compare it the Wizard of the Oz, This is a much darker but still very entertaining and imaginative film.

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A fantastic sequel to Wizard of Oz, although it is completely different it somehow manages to follow on with magical additions and some creepy characters. Mombi used to terrify me as a child!

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An under-rated classic from the 80's. That some critics like Gene Siskel bashed for being too dark. Who cares ? It's imaginative and I don't see it as bad at all.
The film is strange but well made and cool.

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Return to Oz (1985) a spooky sequel to The Wizard of Oz from Disney's dark era celebrates its 30th anniversary this year; saw this on the Disney Channel as a kid and ♥ it!
‪#‎WaltDisney‬ ‪#‎ReturnToOz‬

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