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Run Rabbit Run 2023

"I miss people i've never met all the time."

Extremely quiet, slow, unengaging and energy efficient (barely any lighting). I usually love slowburns but this was too long and just boring. Filled with horror tropes and the story is something i've seen so many times. Only one memorable moment in it's entirety (it involves scissors). Beautiful landscapes and I like the house.

I see Sarah Snook as a high caliber actress... They don't really use her talent here, she's very limited by the script and any actress could have played her role. There was a couple scenes where she looked like she was acting for real but it's so dark you can't even see her eyes. The kid was good. They have good chemistry.

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Someone asked ChatGPT to make an A24 horror film

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There is a kernel of a great idea in here; a modern under the surface horror that's actually a family drama, much like the majority of offerings from A24 and Neon these days; It's just the execution that leaves a lot to be desired. When your script devolves to different characters screaming a rotating wheel of three names for the final 20 minutes, something has gone horribly wrong and probably needs another pass on the storyboard. There is a fine line between slowburn eeriness, building dread and keeping your audience compelled; Run Rabbit Run cannot stay on the right side of any of them. It keeps up the illusion of being a competent contemporary horror for about 40 minutes, but then quickly drops it's rabbit shaped mask to reveal it's actually been a poorly produced Netflix product all along. The worst part is there is palpable promise in here. I think with refinement and a defter hand this could have been a better example of this genre, but we're just left with an uneven, slow immitation that does nothing but disappoint upon conclusion.

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Don't waste your time with this one. Slow moving movie that doesn't see a payoff. Was a hard time trying to stay awake enough to finish.

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It was a decent watch with some suspenseful moments but it reminded me a lot of the Babadook without the overly annoying screaming kid.

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Not much happened, and if it did, then it took a while for something that already happened to happen.

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I liked it but it had way too many false/potential endings and the real ending wasn't satisfying after all that.

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This seemed like one of those Netflix movies that was just put together just to have content..I feel like Chat GPS made this movie.

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Understated, slow burn psych thriller. Stunning camera work, exceptional acting, and twists you might predict, but do you really?

Vwry indie, very Australian.

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Definitely a slow burn psychological horror/thriller.

Decent by todays standards, but not a great film.

I was able to figure out what was going on just shy of half way through.

The actress that plays Mia does an excellent job.
There were some parts of the story that they could have done a better job of setting up especially some characters they reference and relationships between them.

Bottom line, it keeps enough of your interest to want to plod along with it but I can see some people dumping out after the 20-30 minute mark due to the early pacing.

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I'm almost certain that if Mia's parents were Asian, she would've been left in a dumpster for never listening.

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This lil girl is working the last nerve I have. This heavy breathing, durn rabbit mask, and just think she flat out grown, snatching stuff and talking back. And Bugs Bunny would've been somebody's rabbits foot after biting me.

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