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Shazam! 2019

Good fun, super hero family movie. Light hearted. Worth a watch. Enjoy.

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Great fun, but a little happy slappy for me. DC is better when it's dark lol. Good film though, but a shame they couldn't even cast Henry Cavill at the end for those 2 seconds lol.

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From the trailer you expect a silly kid and funny movie. When you see it, its not.
Its only a kids movie, the jokes are all in the trailer.

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Really nice movie. I suppose that this is the first Shazam movie and for that purpose it served very well also.

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The movie is cute and the two boys in the lead roles have a good future ahead, quite the acting! Also, THAT ending was everything! :)

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hardly as breathtaking as i was made to believe, an exaggerated good step for DC

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sinceramente perfeito e quem não gosta come vômito no café da manhã enquanto assiste algum filme da MCEU

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Probably a great movie if you are ten years old. A lot of corny jokes and cliche situations. IOW it's really all been done before so if you're ten you haven't seen this type of movie it may do it for you. Also a situation where gravity was defied which had nothing to do with super powers (the bus scene was just silly). It has its moments for sure but everything is just over the top. Clearly for the younger crowd.

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Shazam is a nicely put together DC product where you can feel the box and see it through the plastic wrap.

While the story is manufactured (basically Big meets Kick Ass -- there's even a visual reference to Big in one scene -- so Shazam is half as original as both of them), and the jokes are more scarce than I'd hoped, overall there's nothing wrong with Shazam. It's nice to see a film where a foster child is the hero, but in the sea of all the Super Hero films we find ourselves in, is 'Good' good enough?

Shazam is a pleasant place holder while we wait for Endgame, but will be quickly forgotten once the latter lands.

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Absolutely amazing!! The best new film I've seen all year. This film really had me in stitches of laughter to the point where I didn't think I'd be able to stop. I was pleasantly surprised by this film because I was told that it was a superhero film with comedy in it. With the exception of Spiderman, I'm not really into Superhero films or any kind of action film. I've watched many but they're not usually my thing. But this had it all - excellent storytelling that touched your heart, superb comedy that genuinely makes you laugh out loud on multiple occasions and loveable characters. It kept my gripped from start to finish. Couldn't recommend this more!

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This movie is just a lot of fun. Aimed at a pre-teen audience the humour can be a bit juvenile for adults but kids will love it. This superhero with training wheels is played brilliantly by Zachary Levi who was mining his inner kid. Jack Dylan Grazer plays the superhero expert to a tee. The movie has gags, humour and heart, and the twist at the end sets us up for the possibility of sequels. This DC Universe entry has found a missing pocket in the superhero saturated media offerings and I look forward to them developing this stream. Don't forget to stay for the mid-credit and end-credit scenes. I give this film a 7 (good fun) out of 10. [Superhero Action Adventure]

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Muito bom, povo fala das piadas do filmes, mas as piadas de Thor Ragnarok são em excesso e todo mundo achou legal. Isso para mim são os fanboys da Marvel. O filme vale muito a pena.

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a description? just a fair movie for kids

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Best super hero movie of all time

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How to watch this movie?

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