Shouts about...

Sliding Doors 1998

First time watching Sliding Doors & the simultaneous dual stories idea is cleverly presented. The BEST thing by far about the film is John Hannah, who manages to lift the overall film from a mediocre romance by his sparkling & engaging performance.

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We've seen this plot a few other times: a single event happening or not happening can completely change the trajectory of someone's life. While the movie is extremely rough around the edges I felt the the two leads were excellent and carried the movie. But after that, the movie was a mess. The secondary characters had awful dialog written for them and didn't do much with what they had (I've never seen Jeanne Tripplehorn so bad in a role).

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Sliding Doors is a rather smart and charming romantic comedy that’s a lot of fun. Playing with alternate realities, a woman’s life takes two divergent paths when in one reality she misses the subway and in another she makes it. Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, and Jeanne Tripplehorn lead the cast and give strong performances; especially Paltrow, who pulls double duty playing two characters that are the same person yet slightly different. Additionally, the director does a good job at differentiating between the two realities, particularly when they cross paths at the same places with the same people. However the script is a little weak, with extraneous subplots that don’t really add much. Yet the humor delivers plenty of laughs and some clever satire (though at times it’s a bit slapsticky). Sliding Doors is not without its problems, but on the whole it’s an entertaining “what if” film about destiny.

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I have never seen a character get gaslighted this hard in a movie. Gerry is an absolute douche.

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