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Sometimes They Come Back 1991

Pretty good flick. The ending is a bit cheesy, but it's a good underrated Stephen King based movie.

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Still as effective as when I first saw it. Pretty good horror movie, especially for a made for TV one from the 90s. Not high on the body count, blood or gore, but it's got some great atmosphere and that nostalgic quality you see in a lot of Stephen King's works.

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Better than I expected. Tim Matheson does a good job acting. It's got a blend of some usual King elements. The most prominent King thing is the 50's bullies with flick knives and the idea of the past coming back to haunt... In a haunted car. There are some things that didn't make sense logically and its not usually the type of horror story I enjoy (very supernatural.)
The movie itself could have done with a 15 minute cut for me because they're are a few dips.
Good job overall and King movie fans will probably like it. Reminded me of IT and Stand By Me at times.

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Not bad, especially for a TV movie, but I was trying to stay awake for the majority of this. The production is fine but the film suffers from an uninspired central performance and the source material just isn't enough for feature length. There's nothing wrong with the story really, it's the direction that is so dreary and dull. The conclusion is good at least.

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Evil returns. Well, it starts fine but then declines and becomes sight. Hillary Swak many years ago

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