Never understood all the hate for this specific episode. It's true that it's the episode that comes closest to parody, but given the age of the actors, how else could they approach the material other than with a knowing wink?

If you like the characters, this film also allows you to spend a generous bit of time with them, and there are some genuinely funny lines ("I liked him better before he died"). And if the film ultimately bites off more than it can chew (it's a film about looking for God) then at least it handles the subject better than the ponderous Star Trek - The Motion Picture, which covered similar territory.

I also think it's a mile better than Part III, which one - lacked Spock - and two - had very fake-looking set design. Maybe the biggest problem this film had was that Part III was made in 84 when those flaws were acceptable. Star Trek V came out in the late 80's and was competing with a new type of blockbuster in "Batman". I suggest you ignore conventional wisdom and give part V a chance.

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Even as a long time Star Trek fan I´ll admit it´s almost painful to watch.

The script is downright awful which results in bad acting. There isn´t any real suspense. Half of the dialogue is stupid (supposed to be funny but isn´t). Threw in another bunch of brain-dead Klingons and you end up with worst of the Star Trek movies.

Shatner wrote and directed this part. He once claimed that he passed all his knowledge about filmmaking to Nimoy. I´m glad Leonard didn´t used any of it in his movies.

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Quite possibly the worst execution of a Star Trek film, while not even close to being a bad concept. Full of interesting, deep ideas that are never even explored by most of the main cast, while also forgetting entirely the levity and the chemistry between the characters that made the previous film (and send off) work so well. The only good thing about this film is it makes the next one look at least a little better.

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Its sloppy, has many moments that had me saying "that stupid", and Shatner can't direct his way out of paper bag.

But the performances save it, especially Laurence Luckinbill who is charismatic as hell as Sybock. Sybock deserved a better movie.

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IV was so good, but the whole time watching this I was saying is that it?

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The amount of enjoyment you get from this film will depend on how well you click with the script's humour. Like Andrew Bloom points out in his review, the film is carried by the dynamic and pathos between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, although I would extend that to the Enterprise crew in general. I found the humour the saving grace of the film, which is a better overall watch than I remembered.

It's certainly one of the weakest Trek movies, alongside The Motion Picture, but it's still very enjoyable thanks to the cast's efforts and the dialogue rather than because of a coherent or satisfying plot. A promising first act is undone by the fairly shambolic second.

Still, it's an enjoyable if fairly frivolous watch. For non-Trekkies, this probably would be in the 5 / 6 territory but if you're a fan of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, then it's certainly not as bad as many fans like to say.

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Watched this for We Hate Movies. Boy this started out with some real promise with the grandpas on their camping trip. Then they went back to space and shit got borrrrrrring. The humor in this is equivalent to an original play performed at your local dinner theater. And row row row your boat! Boooooo

Star Trek Beyond is gonna have to try really hard to disappoint now, geezow.

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Star Trek V: The Final Shit

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A HUGE step backwards. The acting is as bad as in the first Star Trek flick and the SFX and costumes are laughable. Additionally the story is rather boring.

My advice to you: skip this crap-bag, there are much better Star Trek movies out there!

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The script was horrible. Besides being boring it made me want to mute every time they had to say something. Bones tried to be funny and I felt embarrassed because I didn't mute it. Skip this one...

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Shout by robinm0
BlockedParent2024-01-20T23:22:27Z— updated 2024-03-30T16:35:23Z

How anyone can rate this farrago above 4 escapes me. As, evidently, did the logic of the plot, the terrible script, awful effects and flat direction escape the producers' notice before they released it to an unsuspecting public. Why does God need a starship? Probably the only memorable line in an otherwise entirely skippable entry in the Star Trek franchise.

I have generously given it a 4, but 3.6 would still be fair.

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Not a great follow up to the last one and the most boring one so far.

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Good relief for insomnia. 2/10 :thumbsup_tone4:

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I think "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" is the worst of the original cast Trek movies. Until I saw this movie that honor had gone to "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock" but there is little doubt that "Frontier" is worse. The story idea is appealing but will likely be a letdown to anyone who watches it. The Trek-trifecta (Kirk Spock and McCoy) really own this story. "Frontier" is about their friendship. All of the other cast members are along to be manipulated or for comedy relief. There have been a lot of stories about Industrial Light & Magic being cut out of the effects budget for this movie. If that is the case it certainly shows as most of the effects in this movie are dreadful. From Spock's rocket boots to the animated shots of a speeding shuttlecraft these are the worst effects I've seen in a late '80s major motion picture. Director William Shatner's vision of the barrier that guards "Heaven" is not exactly awe-inspiring either. "The Final Frontier" also suffers when the scenes require the lovable cast members to do something physical. Their age (and weight) certainly hinders many of the action scenes.

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Notwithstanding an intriguing opening, this film is a mess. The notion of searching for God is an interesting one, but tonally this film is all over the place. It doesn't help that the film's attempts at humour are awful and unfortunately undermine the threat and more serious elements of the film. It is also obvious that the special effects are considerably worse than the previous entries, but this can't excuse some laughably bad decisions and awful dialogue. There is little to recommend here save for completists.

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