Shouts about...

Storks 2016

Answering the age old question of where babies come from, Storks is a rather cute family comedy. After having switched from baby delivery to package delivery, a Storks worker accidentally activates the long dormant baby factory; forcing the new boss, Junior, to try to secretly delivery the baby before anyone finds out and he loses his job. Featuring the voice talents of Andy Samberg, Katie Crown, Kelsey Grammer, Jennifer Aniston, and Danny Trejo, the cast is pretty good and does an impressive job at creating fun and interesting characters. And, the animation is well-done, with a lot of imaginative character and set designs. Yet the storytelling is a bit lacking; as it’s not always clear where it’s going and it kind of meanders at times. Still, while it has some problems, Storks is an entertaining film that delivers a lot of laughs.

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I saved family movie I can surf Ebay in peace

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Overall it was a cute film. It started a bit odd and not so good but after a while and especially during the end it was really good and sweet.

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Wolf boat! Wolf sub? Wolf PLANE??? Wtf lol

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A cute animated film, not as good as a Disney style for me, but I am a Disney purist ;)

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Shout by Hama Yun

movie is cute and has a great message in the ending scene.

plus apparently in that world, everybody ia dedicated Christian or guru abstainer. because the grown-ups there abstain from sexual intercourse and let birds deliver their babies.

I mean the medical industry would be dying there

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I was actually really happily surprised.
I put it in my watchlist because it could be fun as a background when I'm busy, but I actually stopped what I was doing to keep all my attention to the movie.
It was cute, funny, and totally unexpected (Wolf Submarine??), I also like the satyr of the real world.
I totally recommend for kids, but also for adults to watch with them.

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Shout by LovesickDead
BlockedParent2017-02-28T21:41:54Z— updated 2017-10-27T10:00:01Z

Yes, this movie IS cute, but it doesn't make much sense. They throw jokes in your face trying to get you to laugh, but it just gets too random.
Animation not that good, especially the model used for the baby; they could have added a little variety instead of just changing eye and hair color! It was disappointing.

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Shout by Deleted

Junior was great. The wolves were pretty cool too. Hated everything else. Especially the goddamn babies.
And let's not forget how Tulip is possibly the most annoying female character in an animated movie ever.
Pigeon Toady was supposed to be funny I think. But he wasn't.

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since everyone is saying then i guess me too, this movie is So cute. loved every bit of it.

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This animated film is on Hulu and stars Andy Samberg from Brooklyn 99 as a stork that delivers babies. Personally, I think that it’s just as funny as Andy Samberg’s other stuff and I love Andy Samberg!

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Nice idea that was terribly executed.

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A little all over the place and largely nonsensical, but 'Storks' is suitably enjoyable; especially, I imagine, for the younger audience.

It's not as heartfelt as it intends to be, bar the odd moment at the end, but there are a couple of amusing gags here and there. The animation is pretty nice, too.

Cast-wise it's passable, Andy Samberg (Junior) and Katie Crown (Tulip) work together solidly, as Kelsey Grammer makes for a decent enough villain. Keegan-Michael Key (Alpha) and Jordan Peele (Beta) aren't as funny as I've seen from the duo elsewhere, while Jennifer Aniston (Sarah) is underused.

Nevertheless, a satisfactory animated film from Warner Bros.

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A good voice cast helps, and there are some funny moments. Yet, this is the kind of film that you forget after a day or so. Not a bad effort, just a little bland in parts.

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fun, cute and overall a good family film

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It's funny because I don't really likes movies where a baby got the spotlight, but the idea of this movie intrigued me, and it was an okay movie. I think it was because of the voice actors, you got Andy Samberg and Ty Burrell

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Awesome movie! The brazilian dubbing it's also really good!

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This was so cute, so simple but really enjoyable. And I must say that the soundtrack it's amazing for an animation movie like this, the songs are so well picked that complement the movie greatly.

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This movie is how I would describe pure joy. I haven't laughed this hard while watching a movie for some time. It is such a sweet story and all those babies are so darn cute. I really enjoyed how they combined so much fun with so much love. Yea, I really liked this movie. Also, Katie Crown is such a great voice actor! So were all the other actors, but still.

This is the kind of movie I would watch more then once. That's something, I can safely tell you that. I really really genuinely loved it. Also, still cracking up about the wolfs. hashtag no shame.

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This movie is fun to watch and is a good respond to the famous question:from where I come?

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So that's where i'm from... explains why i'm weird.. i must of been dropped... Animation's logic on stuff always cracks me up... this film is full of comedy... even brought a tear to my eye.. all around good film :P

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Out of nowhere this movie became the cutest movie of 2016. Great fun to watch!

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Shout by Deleted

Storks has a decent concept but it didn't really pack a punch until about halfway through. I really enjoyed the third act of this movie. Its a worthy watch for the family but it didn't give me the adult jokes I was hoping for with a story that promises them.

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One thing I liked from this movie it's the cartoonish moments, that most recent animated movies lack. It's a really nice story and well paced

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Did expect a lot from the movie and didn't get that at all, but i was actually very surprised because it is not typical kind of a movie for kids. There are two stories going on, and really a lot of imaginary things that have nothing to do with reality, that's what hook me up.

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Shout by Deleted

this film is cuter than pokemon or digimon # mega cuteness overload. #ShiftvW8

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