Personal Lists featuring...

Tabloid 2010


This isn't intended to be a comprehensive list. I'm just going to be periodically updating this list with titles from the following IMDB search parameters:,tv_movie,tv_series,tv_episode,tv_special,tv_miniseries,documentary,short,tv_short&genres=crime,documentary

UPDATED: 6/11/24


A mixture of Murder, Disappearances, Conspiracies and Cults

*updated regularly


True crime documentaries and docuseries. Updated regularly.

Last update: 5/7/2024


This year's Sundance Grand Jury Prize winner (U.S. Documentary) "The Wolfpack" tells a story that's almost too strange to believe: It centers on six teen brothers whose father forced them to spend their entire childhoods locked away from the outside world. With the film opening Friday, here are 16 other unbelievable documentaries.


Regularly updated by Tkreimark91

Continued on True Crime #92
I hit the 1000 list limit...

Expanded from original list by Martin Fermor


How good was 2011 for cinema? So good that even an unusually tepid awards-season crop didn’t keep us from expanding from our Top 10 lists to a Top 15 (plus a bonus five), which still left a diversity of great films off our ballots. If there’s a common theme to the year’s best, it’s the wealth of ambitious personal visions, from Terrence Malick evoking creation to tell the story of his upbringing in The Tree Of Life to Martin Scorsese channeling his boyhood enthusiasm for spectacle in Hugo to Kenneth Lonergan finally delivering the beautiful, wounded Margaret after six years in post-production purgatory. It was a year where documentaries sought to expand the form, where the best American independent films went far out on a limb, and where old masters like Abbas Kiarostami and Pedro Almodóvar released films that felt exuberant and alive with possibility. A few titles weren’t available to see before press time—The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close, and Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked among them—but we’ve worked hard to give a special year its due. For your consideration...



Pulled from:


IMDb movies from 7 to 7.4 rating (min. votes = 10k, min year = 2006)


Episodes, shows, and movies from the podcast. Does not include Patreon-only episodes.

Episode 17 - Captivated
Episode 195 - Escape to Alcatraz
Episode 242 - The Last Call Killer
Episode 300 - Debunking the Myth of Patient Zero (YouTube)
Episode 328 - Catching the Craigslist Killer
Episode 331 - Murder in Mustang
Episode 353 - Australian Story - Looking for Lyn

Updated through 4/24/2024.


Feature length documentaries directed by Errol Morris sorted by release date.
