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The African Queen 1952


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A great storyline with good acting, but the special effects are just laughable.

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A perfect Hollywood movie, full of adventure and romance from start to finish. The location shooting in parts really sells it, as does the surprisingly physical performances by both Bogart and Hepburn. This movie always reminds me of Disney's Jungle Cruise--little bit racist, but a whole lot of fun.

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Two brilliant performers in this River Movie

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Good movie. Pleasant to watch. Simple but nice story. It's not a great drama or deeply philosophical movie though. But I didn't expect that. Exotic scenery. Great performances by Bogart and Hepburn, who slowly transforms into a fearless captain Janeway. Even the Germans speak real German. What I don't like: British colonialism wasn't like that and the native population is depicted as savages for the most part.

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I don't know that I will fawn over this, but it certainly is a good entertainment. Where it is beautiful is the color and scenery. It is a sumptuous thing to see. The characters seemed corny and flat footed, but it worked.

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Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn are both great together. They had to be since the entire movie is them stuck on a boat together.

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Paco Cinema 2: Image 4/5, sound 3.5 / 5. Good movie by John Huston, with large K. Hepburn and H. Boggart

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Great movie--much more enjoyable than I had anticipated. Bogart and Hepburn deliver wonderful performances.

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If you aren't afraid on watching a movie before 1998 because things don't explode, drive fast and tits and coke are everywhere then this is one to watch.
I'm a huge fan of Bogart (I'm 1974 so it's not like I was "around") and the fact that this was his only Oscar win amongst a stellar body of work speaks volumes.
Hepburn delivers such a well developed character you can't help but feel sorry for Bogie at times yet totally understand why he falls for her.
John Huston at his best deserving of the Oscar nod.

Back to back this on a rainy Sunday afternoon with a bottle of wine and a fine cheese platter with one of the following Bogart treats; Casablana, Sahara, The Big Sleep, The Maltese Falcon or The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. You won't regret it.

Random MajorMercyFlush side note: Other recommended rainy wine and platter afternoon's is Ridley Scott's The Duellists or Stanley Kubricks Barry Lyndon. Both are stunning, timeless films and rightly acknowledged as masters at the top of their game.

Thanks for playing.

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