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The Deer Hunter 1978

one of the best movies ever.
story and character development is superb.


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The Deer Hunter is an iconic ‘70s film that has not aged well. The story follows a group of friends as they go off to the Vietnam War and how it affects them. Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and John Savage form a powerful cast, but their performances feel a bit forced. The storytelling is particularly weak and unfocused; spending far too much time establishing characters and far too little time developing them. Yet, The Deer Hunter has its moments and tries (though somewhat inadequately) to say something important about the effects of war.

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The Russian roulette scenes were some of the best scenes in movies I've seen in a while. So intense and beautifully shot.

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really boring. Fell asleep three times

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This is among the weaker 70s films dealing with the Vietnam war. Definitely not bad but a lot of choices feel watered down. A lot of this folds in on itself if you’ve seen movies like Apocalypse Now, Platoon and Taxi Driver (maybe throw in some All Quiet on the Western Front too for the first act). Really feels like this was made for an audience who’d consider those films too challenging or artsy, there’s no auteur filmmaking here and the sappy music takes some of the edges off. It doesn’t mean there are no memorable sequences, for example I loved the Russian roulette scenes (even with it bordering on villifying the Vietnamese too easily) and its authentic depiction of war, but for every great moment there’s a scene that drags on for too long (e.g. wedding). Ultimately what saves the movie for me are the great performances and this idea of the experience of war having different psychological effects on people. It’s that idea that carries the film to a pretty emotional climax. If only the rest of the film was as tight and packed as much punch.


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This film was often described as a classic as it stars young actors Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken and Meryll Streep. The film is essentially three different acts in one, and I would say all three are quite different. There are some extraordinary scenes in the film. I feel that with better direction it could have actually been better.

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Extraordinary films about the psychological repercussions of the Vietnam War.

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Every nation has its sins that it must deal with. Here, Americans try to overcome the trauma of Vietnam in the light of American small-town dramas.

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Way too much time is spent setting up a bunch of (mostly) unlikeable guys. The first hour could have been cut in half easily. The rest had some amazing scenes (the Russian Roulette obviously), but gets slow and sloppy again in the final hour.

De Niro carries this movie and I think this could’ve been more, but it’s not bad by a long shot.

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Great to see all these legends in this cast and the movie was really well made with something to say but i expected more because it was really slow at times.Still a very good movie that you don't forget easily 7.4/10

Movie no1000

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This movie should've been titled "Russian Roulette" since there's not much "deer hunting" going on. :rofl:

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Goodness. So heartbreaking, so sad, so accurate, so brilliant.

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