Personal Lists featuring...

The Endless 2017


Psychological thriller
Thriller psicologico
Time Travel
Viajes en el tiempo
Unexpected endings
Finales Inesperados


Shudder horror titles. Updated regularly.

Last update: 3/20/2024


The objective of this Collection are Movies with:

Complex plot
Big plot twist.
Ending twist

Pulled from PTP collection


A selection of films, famed for their decision to throw convention out of the window. This list pays homage to the great surrealist films from the history of cinema.


Movies and shorts based on the works of HP Lovecraft (some only loosely), have Lovecraftian themes or strong references to Lovecraft or are clearly Lovecraft inspired.

Some might be fringe cases and not considered Lovecraftian by purists but are included because the atmosphere is suggestive of Lovecraft's work, there are clear nods to Lovecraft and in some case it is just because of name dropping or big tentacle monsters.

Missing on Trakt:
- Corpse-O-Rama (2001)
- The Whisperer in Darkness (2007)
- Lovecraft Chronicles (2009 Series)


Time loops, time travel, parallel timelines, time paradoxes etc


UPDATED: 11/7/23


Ontology is the philosophical study of being, existance, becoming and reality. In simple terms it seeks to classify and explain entities.

In movies and tv show ontology usually comes in the flavor of an ontological mystery at the center of the plot with several of the following elements: the characters do not know who they are, where they are, how they got to the place there are in, and the central conflict is to get out of there and find answers to the above questions.

In the most common version of the trope, the characters are locked into a strange room or find themselves at a strange place with no contact to the outside. They have no idea how they got there, why they are there or how to get out, nor do they know who is behind their predicament, if anyone at all.

The main idea behind such stories is the investigation of a restricted environment in which the characters find themselves with the goal of mastering the environment, revealing secrets, and ultimately escape.

This list focuses on such stories. I added a few edge cases for good measure, like pure escape room, death game or timeloop movies that have a strong ontological undertone, even though they are not ontological mysteries per se.

If you think something shouldn't be on this list, or if I missed something that should be on here please leave a comment.

Last Updated: 2023/02/03


Tubi horror. Updated regularly.

Last update: 5/3/2024


A list of movie releases by Arrow Video. Work in progress. - Updated monthly


Movies within the genre of horror, sci fi, fantasy or mystery.
Mostly low budget or at least not very well known.
Not all of them are necessarily good, but interesting in their own way if you approach with the right mindset.


A list of movies and tv shows featuring cults, new religious movements, intentional communities, religious extremism, related plots


Science, time, space and advanced technology - either real or imaginary.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity
