All Lists featuring...

The Game Plan 2007


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: au, fr, in, jp, es, gb, us
Genres: action, adventure, animation, anime, comedy, crime, family, fantasy, history, holiday, horror, musical, mystery, romance, science-fiction, superhero, suspense, thriller, war, western
Languages: en, ja
Min rating: 50
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 10
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Translations: en
Min year: 1990
Max year: 2100


All Movies Disney by Wikipédia


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Tous les Disney de ma DVDthèque


All theatrical, direct-to-video and direct-to-streaming [Disney+ Originals] Live Action movies produced, co-produced and released by Walt Disney Pictures.

Not included are Live Action movies produced, as also distributed by other studios (during their initial release), which are now owned by Disney through later acquisitions, as also movies released as a 'Disney Channel Original Movie'.
