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The Handmaiden 2016

☼ a masterpiece ☼

someone: what’s up?
me: thinking about The Korean Gothic Lesbian Revenge Thriller That’s Captivated Cannes
beautiful acting, great directing, astounding writing, i simply love being slapped in the face by plot twists and this was an especially amazing movie because it not only had one twist but two!
i mean i had to take a fukcing step back because that shook me in the best possible way god bless you chan-wook

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thank god i'm alive to watch this masterpiece over and over again

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I'm so glad I came across this movie, it's one of my all time favorites now! I watched it with my roommate, who isn't much of a fan of foreign movies due to the captions she would have to follow. This movie literally converted her to watch more foreign films. It's filled with dark secrets, even darker characters and keep you on the edge of your seat.

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This picture is a true marvel.

It defies romanticism, it defies comedy, it defies drama. This movie is entirely in it's own league and level.
It's sexy, and interesting, and captivating all at the same time.

It touches taboos, makes them feel completely normal. It drives the watcher to feel included.

This is a movie that everyone should watch.

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I'm speechless.

"The Handmaiden" was in my Watchlist for a long, long time - and sometimes I thought I'd never watch it because I was genuinely afraid of how "life changing" this movie supposedly was.

Now that I finally watched it, I'm speechless. There are no words to explain the rush of emotions throughout the whole 3 hours experience and more than that: there are no words to explain the JOY in the deepest of my heart. Seeing these two women end up together is exhilarating, warming and I couldn't ask for anything else.

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Wholly engrossing and highly satisfying. Could honestly watch this a hundred more times lol.

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simply perfect, a true masterpiece!

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I didn't think I could like a film as much as I liked Old Boy, but this film certainly comes close. We'll have to see how it survives the test of time in my eyes, but for the present time this is phenomenal.

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I cut 1 points because some transitions made my screen look like it was shrinking. outside of that remarkable movie:star_struck:

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It's been some time since I've seen a movie that I had the feeling I should/could/would watch again and again and again but this... I definitely will.

A marvel on so many levels... the cinematography alone! And the soundtrack... and the acting. I adore this movie. It has not left my mind since I've seen it and it will be there for quite some time I think.

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I don't normally comment on movies but I'll make an exception for this because it was astonishing. Chan-wook normally makes you sit up and take notice of his work and this was no exception. I think it's a masterpiece. I was open mouthed at both the beauty and the way the plot unravelled. An absolute must see. 9/10

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An absolute must-see, but best seen without paying attention to any plot synopsis or spoilers for maximum effect. This is one of the best films I have seen in quite some time, and certainly one of the most surprising. Don't let the long running time or subtitles put you off. I'm saying nothing more in fear of giving something away - consider me spellbound!

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Holy fuck this was incredible.

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honestly,, this was astounding in every way and even though some things were predictable it was SO ENJOYABLE and all in all a great experience

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Shout by Deleted

Beautiful and raunchy, with plenty of plot twists, but doesn't make a perfect 10 because of its 2.5hr run time

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When I think about the experience I had with this movie a few words come to mind: refreshing, passionate, chaotic, exciting and last but not least sensual.
Whether it is the compelling story, the acting or the narrative structure, It hooks you up and fascinates you to the extent that time seems insufficient and you are left with the sensation of wanting more.

Truly a masterpiece and simply delightful.

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A unique mystery-thriller/romance, with an engaging and unpredictable narrative, mesmerizing direction and great performances.

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Chan-wook Park kicking it out of the park again (sorry). Beatiful and dark, it's easily recommended!

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Awesome movie. Didn’t expect it to be like this, but it’s very enjoyable. Amazing storytelling with some nice twists and some steamy scenes. Don’t watch this with your parents. Lol.

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This is the first movie I see in almost a year, I just don’t have the patience to sit through a movie anymore but I will binge watch an entire show for hours (yes I’m calling myself out here). I recently finished watching Mr. Sunshine and Kim Tae-ri was fantastic in it so I looked up her filmography and found this movie. The director seemed to be very well known and respected so I knew I picked the right movie to break my movie slump and boy was I right. It is split into three parts and each part adds a layer creating a rich and intricate story. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, the movie takes a turn I was not expecting. It was fascinating to watch the plot unravel like that. Great costumes, cinematography and acting, the soundtrack is laid back and perfectly compliments the story. However, it did drag in some parts and I found the nudity to be a little excessive

Story = 8

Cinematography = 8

Soundtrack = 8

Production Design = 8

Acting = 8

Overall score = 8/10

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Good plot-twist. The scenes are blunt and frontal tho, kinda like watching Game of Thrones lol. Love the wardrobe and settings.

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Well… I was totally unprepared for how erotic this was, In equal parts twisted. It’s not going to win any awards for painting men in a favourable light. The writing for this was superb. The twists in each of the 3 parts were so very clever. I give this film an 8 (great storytelling) out of 10. [Thrilling Drama]

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A really interesting and non-linear way to tell a story. The cinematography and sound design are all great, and the acting is also very good. This isn't Park Chan-wook's best work as I feel the story wasn't all completely there but still very good.

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Shout by 020202

it's only after watching one of those film-explaining videos for this movie that i've had my appreciation for it begin to rise;

the subtle details that were explained in the video have opened my eyes and made me actually love the movie a little more, but nonetheless i'd like to add that i've loved it's subtle details, even though the movie was quite unsettling at parts, the cinematography, performances and that one OST were beautiful

also the set designs, beautiful

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Went into it mostly blind, and I was mindblown.
This is the second Park ChanWook movie I've seen and both have left me thinking for a few days after, they're really great and disturbing.

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The original title of the film is Ah-ga-ssi

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This film was a neat little story about ambition and desire.  The central story line and conflict felt like something that might come from Shakespeare or the like.  The story was told in a rather interesting way - there are a series of plot twists that result in the story being told over again.  The odd thing about this (without saying too much) is that certain twists don't appear at the end of the movie.  If you pay attention (and look at how much time is left in the movie) you can pretty much guess how the movie is going to end. . Couple that with everything else that the film brought to the table and the result is a unique and full viewing experience.  

follow me at

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Great movie. I wasn’t expiated this kind of story (didn’t read or watch anything on it before watching). A very good moment to spend here. Beautiful photo, great acting and great story.

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I love everything about this movie, except for the sex scenes. They were so obviously made for men and what they think sex between two women is like that it ruins what could have been a great movie.

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I laughed out loud when I saw the calssical and old-fashioned Tentacle Hentai picture! then I felt weird because I know what Tentacle Hentai is!

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I very much did not expect this at all. The trailer suggested something completely different. It was good, but watching the extended version was probably not a good idea. A bit too complicated at times to follow all the details, but still enjoyed it quite a bit.

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Watch it if you love reading novels

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The first twist was great. The second one was a little meh in execution. Good movie overall.

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A decent plot plagued by eroticism . Other than that, only the dirty-minded will like it! Couldn't they make this film without erotics ? :expressionless:

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What a movie, where each characters is arguably worse than the other. In the end they're all bad crooks.

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Breathtaking, Park Chan-wookesque cinematography akin to "Lady Vengeance" and "Cut." Despite its erotic theme, I personally could have lived without the amount of female nudity shots and sex scenes; however, it's still a beautifully directed film of romance with a compelling plot.

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Where it could be watched?

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A character in the movie says (slight paraphrase) "all beauty causes pain". That more or less sums up the film itself. The score and cinematography are near flawless and the acting is exceptional. The subject matter, however (and Chan-wook Park's characteristically graphic style) will have a lot of viewers cringing in some spots. If you don't mind some fairly explicit stuff in your movies, I highly recommend it.

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Fantastic film. Nothing to do with that ITV rubbish series.

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