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The Hitman's Bodyguard 2017

A good movie to watch again and again!

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Nick Fury, Deadpool and Elektra fight together to take down Commissioner Gordon

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I think we all can agree on that both Samuel L. Jackson and Ryan Reynolds are quite funny, and they both go all out in this one. Did they have the best material to work with?!? Probably not, but The Hitman's Bodyguard is a rather entertaining action comedy, and even though the story could have been a bit better, they make up it up with the sheer insanity of it all.

Quit insane and quite fun. Not bad at all...

And btw...Salma Hayek can sure be one badass lady. Just saying...

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"This guy single-handedly ruined the word motherfucker."

Samuel L. Jackson sure does say motherfucker a lot in this movie. The jokes were hit or miss, some were really funny. Both Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson were good. Both doing exactly what they are best at. The action was ok, nothing special. The soundtrack was pretty awesome. Some of the song selections were the funniest parts of the movie.

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Very Funny with great action and music. Loved it.

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Shout by Tetra

It's a Genre film that hits all the points you expect it to. The only thing I didn't see coming was Who Samuel L. Jackson's Father was. I love watching two of my favorite active improv actors go at each other. I was crying laughing by the end.

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Funny, and a nice action movie, recommended to watch to know more, Samuel Jackson always has his style to make it more "awesome!!"

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Shout by Marzouq
BlockedParent2017-08-26T22:51:04Z— updated 2017-08-28T07:24:54Z

Opposites do attract! Comedy & Action of Epic proportions. Loved every moment of the movie, literally never a dull moment.

Samuel L. Jackson & Ryan Reynolds make a fantastic duo, they literally bounced off each other throughout the movie, a perfect blend.

Nick Fury & Deadpool in one movie!

Loved it!

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Good things first: chemistry between Jackson and Reynolds is off the charts as expected. Their comedic style complement each other very well and carry the movie.

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It was an alright movie some of the jokes were a little lackluster, the action was average, and it was a rather forgettable flick to be honest. However, it was still a fun movie and had a couple of good jokes to fill the time.

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It's sound track goes with It's action, the hitman and the bodyguard make a great comedy duo act and yes I'd like to see a motherfucking sequel with the same fun but more and better. XD

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The word Motherfucker was said 28 times throughout the movie

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Shout by Madanaka
BlockedParent2017-08-30T18:43:16Z— updated 2018-12-27T08:35:25Z

The Hitman's Bodyguard has a forgettable plot that clearly comes in third, after to Reynolds' and Jackson's buddy-cop snark and their respective romantic troubles, but the action sequences stuffed with absent-minded kills are perfectly satisfying for a summer action flick. Admittedly, you might feel a little shock at seeing a rule-following 'Deadpool' and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants 'Nick Fury' but that's rather the point, I think.

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This movie was perfect. Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson we're perfect together in this movie. It's also always nice to see your own country in a big hollywood production, but not only that, I also thought the chase scene through the canals of Amsterdam was really well done. The movie had me surprised with having so much good comedy in it. I really loved the Ryan ranting about Samual scene. This movie is worth a while, if you're into action or comedy.

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Shout by Alex

Some dope ass action sequences TBH, keep that shit coming Netflix. :D

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Nick Fury, Deadpool, and Electra. Yeah sign me up. This was way more fun than I thought it would be. So many laughs. I think it was so much fun because they played characters they play so often so it felt natural and unforced. They make a great team. I hope this is the first of many buddy comedies between these two.

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Fuck me. I could actually feel my brain dying watching this shite.

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the cameramen didn't clean the lenses before shooting this movie

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Want to know what non-Deadpool movie is Ryan Reynold's best action movie? This one!

It is everything you love about Deadpool PLUS everything you love about Samuel L. Jackson. But you know what I really loved? Salma Hayek stole the show with her character. The chemistry between Reynolds and Jackson is amazing. The chemistry between Jackson and Hayek is amazing. I don't even care about the plot, I just want to see their characters interact.

The boat chase scene was, at least to me, tedious, and so cost this movie a heart.

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Action scenes were exciting for a while in this movie but there is a point where you have been watching a car chase for a minute too many and it can get boring. Jokes were mainly Jackson swearing and many failed to make me laugh. The story line was quite interesting to start off with but I tended to lose interest in the main plot from time to time when they strayed away from scenes with Gary Oldman. However it was far from an unwatchable movie and is a great watch if you don't want to concentrate too hard on a complicated plot and relax to some well choreographed action.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

A fun 'Strange Bedfellows' action flick.
With Reynolds and Jackson playing their typical roles.
Action scenes were good to watch and some solid comedy throughout.
The runtime was a bit too long.
Oldman was severely underutilized.


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Ppppphhhhhffffffrrrrrrttttttt!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh that one hurt

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This movie has obvious plots with no big surprises but the reasons I'm watching this movie is for its concept and the chemistry between Sam Jackson and Ryan Reynolds. Was quite entertaining and actually funny.

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What a comedy!!!!What a chemistry!!

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Ups, didn't mean to hit send. The bad stuff: the director clearly didn't know what he was doing. Last movie he directed was the Expendables 3 dumpster fire and it showed. Actress who played the female interpol agent was in way over her head. Spectacular miscast. Should not have been there. Third, the script and storyline were awful. Other than that, it was watchable for Reynolds and Jackson interacting only.

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A fun romp with the primary frienemies. Funny, extensive action, beautiful locations, fun soundtrack (who knew Jackson sings?). Definitely a guy movie (they missed a great opportunity to show off Elodie Yung's serious martial arts skills - this girl doesn't need a dude to save her, but Salma Hayek got a chance to kick some serious butt - hard to believe she is 50). Ryan Reynold's gets to use some of his Canadian French and the puppy dog charm for which we all love him while Samuel Jackson schools us In his extensive grasp of vulgar expletives. I give it a 7 (good) out of 10.

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Watching nick fury and deadpool was quite a thrilling ride
This movie is packed with action and they acted really well with each other

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Interesting seeing an American movie making International Court of Justice propaganda for which they never signed the treaty ....

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my god. the kind of shit i'd watch for my darling angel élodie yung.

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funny, good action, sarcasmville, loved it.

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"This guy single-handedly ruined the word "motherfucker." "

Very, very enjoyable! Love these type of motherfucking "buddy-cop" movies. Loved the way they used motherfucking Amsterdam! Great car/boat/motorcycle chase. Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson have some great chemistry together motherfucker. Barry Atsma! Motherfucking fake highway traffic boards in the Netherlands. Those Dutch cop cars didn't even look like motherfucking Dutch cop cars. Even the outfits felt cheap! Motherfuckers. The prison location was also very suss. Salma Hayek and Samuel L. Jackson's bar scene is the best bit! We even have Gary motherfucking Oldman!

Anyway I motherfucking enjoyed this one. Have to check the sequel out sometime this year!

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Nice, that was quite funny/entertaining! :)
And some awesome action! Especially considering that "boring is always best" xD

Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson make a great/fun team.

Ryan is really good at playing funny characters and Samuel is badass, has an awesome accent, and delivers those lines so well!

PS: And now I've finally seen that car crash scene where the Smart is pushed into the river in the intended form. Someone filmed it from across the river and I've seen it a couple of times on YouTube (as part of various (crash) compilations).

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Shout by 020202

such a well directed & fun action movie, the writing & jokes were very good

Ryan and Samuel had some really good chemistry, and Salma Hayek was amazing

oh and that little behind the scenes bit at the end was funny

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Overall, I guess the feeling this movie left me at the end was exactly "meh"... Based on the cast, I was expecting it to be more fun, but after half an hour I was already checking how long was it 'till the end.
The action was way over the top, as I realize it was intended to be, but it didn't work that well for me and was just tiring at times. Got better after the pursuit scene on the canal, though. Not much of a storyline, either.
And I guess Joaquim de Almeida, although in a more subtle way this time, always has to be one of the bad guys. Always good seeing him.

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this is about the funniest action movie i've ever seen ! ryan reynolds' class, just as in 6 underground + samuel l. jackson, that's supreme.

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It's basically like the 1993 film 'The Bodyguard', but this time with two guys that sometimes go into gay territory.

I don't have much to say about this, in all honesty. This is how I feel about a lot of movies recently. I just watch it and that's it, nothing else to say. I mean, there's some funny moments but the rest is either stupid or really bad. Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson had decent chemistry at least, with one enjoyable scene with Salema Hayek. Gary Oldman is also there.

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interesting action comedy ; it's probably a 7.5 but have it an 8 for the effort

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It wants to be Lethal Weapon, and it just isn’t.
The story sucks (that’s almost a given with these movies), the action is below average, and the jokes, which are mostly terrible, can’t save it either.
And for a movie with a budget like this, it’s surprisingly ugly looking (way too fucking bright).

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Like a weiner dog, this is interesting at the ends but has a long ass middle.

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Is this movie suppose to be Funny? Because it failed completely

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This movie was a decent attempt at comedy action movie but definitely not my favourite. I do think that Samuel L. Jackson and Ryan Reynolds make a great duo in this movie but I think if it wasn't for them then this movie would be flat out terrible. It was good, but nothing new.

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Why on earth the start of this film is set in Manchester and Coventry when it's clearly all shot in London is beyond me. London has better international recognition anyway...

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This movie is amazing, also, I'm a big fan of Ryan's and Samuel's work

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Fun comedy action movie.

As expected, over the top action and very fun interaction between an overplanning, careful bodyguard and an improvising, "shoot first then ask" hitman.

Not bad for watching with friends on the afternoon of New Year's Eve. We enjoyed it.

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Deadpool and Nick Fury outside Marvel

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'Nobody gets out alive'
There was nothing special about the story but the presentation was great.There were a lot of good jokes and action.It was fun to watch and I really enjoyed this movie.It was better than I expected.

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Thin plotting, but thanks to the engaging double act of Jackson and Reynolds, this action comedy buddy flick is a lot of fun.

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2 actors that love to say the F word team up in this action comedy. The result is some laughs, a lot of "motha fuckas" and plenty of action. Think Midnight Run but with more cursing and violence but without being as good.

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Having watched this my main thoughts at the end were "why did they bother making it". Supposed to be humorous buddy / action movie and fails on all three counts. The action at the beginning was short lived, the remainder of the movie largely consisted of a Jackson / Reynolds incessant 'wisecrack' banter that barely raises a smile let alone rates as funny. Salma Hayek as Kincaid's wife adds little again with an unfunny 'hispanic tough 'ombré' monologue whenever she gets a showing, Elodie Young getting even less screen-time and fairing even less well. Crap plot and boring story to boot. Totally unmemorable.

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Really enjoyable for what it is but this is not a movie you watch repeatedly.

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Dare I say it... A modern day Lethal Weapon
(let's see if they follow it up with any sequels)

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Super entertaining, reynolds and Jackson were superb together, great action scenes and good action comedy

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Don't watch this movie for the storyline, the character development or the ... whatever. Watch this movie for the oneliners, the typical rough humor that could come directly from Deadpool or Pulp Fiction with great action scenes and pointless voilence and rough language. I loved it :)

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Total blast of a buddy road movie. Some of the jokes are a little try-hard and cringey, but Reynolds and Jackson share great chemistry, and make it fun. Lots of really solid action too, which I was not expecting.

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good movie,the humor added a little bit of taste,the story is good,but there is some unnecessary drama in it,i totally recommended it.

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Very good movie - much better than expected. Plot is good, action good and rolling no of the eyes at dodgy dialogue. 8/10

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Very funny movie... Very funny dialogs... Superb adventure scenes also Samuel and Reynolds have amazing chemistry... You must see if you want to spend 2 amazing hours

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Hecka fun and funny AF with lots of scrub. The chemistry between the two protagonists is great.

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it was really a great movie

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what a waste of time

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Ryan killed his role...start 30 min and end 30 min were is over acting including salma hayek...8 stars just bc of ryan's acting...must watch

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Shout by sp1ti

You can really feel the passion behind this... not.

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Ryan and Sam are hilarious together, I haven't laughed this hard in a while. The duo is the best part, everything else is below average.

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Shout by Jacob P

Incredible action sequences but the unnecessary overuse of profane language and the pointless storyline made it at times unenjoyable and painfully bad!

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I will stare motherfuckerly at this movie again, and again, and again.

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