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The Infiltrator 2016

Solid crime thriller. Doesn't do anything that hasn't been seen a million times before, but it does all of it well enough. The techno music and bright neon cinematography makes it feel very mid-2010s. Worth a watch, but don't go out of your way for it.

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There is no real suspense here. I waited for something to go wrong the whole time but everytime it came close to blow up his cover something convenient happened. If that really was how this went done the guy was the most luckiest undercover agent ever.
The movie itself is OK, thought. Good performances throughout the cast. Looked a bit grainy but maybe that was intentional, film makers do things like that. Overall OK but not something I´d watch again.

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Pretty good thriller with a terrific performance from Cranston.

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This movie was okay. The story was kind of all over the place and the end came abruptly. Some of the crowd worked on the movie so the vibe was good in there. Great performances. I liked this movie and I don't mean this as a diss but I think this was the first movie this year where I thought, "this shoulda been a rental."

I also learned that second row at the sunset 5 is not the same as my beloved second row at the arclight. Wayyyy too close. Had to move back some.

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A based-on-a-true-story movie about an FBI agent who infiltrates the Colombian drug cartel. The plot is pretty straightforward. And the camera work is terrible: the fad these days is to tremble while filming, so the filming crew must have gone through a lot of ice in order to keep up the continuous trembling...

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