Shouts about...

The Out-Laws 2023

People expect too much these days.

The people that hate this movie are the same people who think Elon is the world's saviour.

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Loved the cemetery scene and the awkwardness in the movie.

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A good movie, enjoyed it. Its predictable tbh and it reminded me of Meet the Fockers, Shotgun Wedding, those types of movies.

Definitely worth a watch! It’s good entertainment.

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The shrek part was hilarious

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Lots of fun, even more if you don’t watch the trailer. Kuddos for the Bond joke!! Probably more of these and less sexual jokes and the movie would be awesome

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Definitely worth watching and very entertaining. Simple story with colorful and comedic characters, I like Adam DeVine in this roll. The nerd type stuck in an unexpected situation.

Keep it simple, its not an over complicated movie, its just simple fun. Watch it and enjoy the ride.

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Pretty predictable plot line, but entertaining just the same. Sometimes you just need something funny to watch & this fits the bill.

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Epic fail. Was expecting something funny, entertaining or even anything time passing. Those exaggerated forced scenes were supposed to be funny but they really got me off. I hope a better career for Brosnan or at least he can retire instead of making such lame movies. 3/10

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Don’t waste your time utter crap

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6/10 FAIR

The first half of this movie has you reaching for the off switch, it terribly miss the mark….
Then the second half kicks in and it finds its feet, starts to pay off and you almost forgive them for the start…..
It has a good cast and that helps a lot, it definitely could lead to follow up movies that could only get better….
This is a midweek movie to watch and eventually enjoy, as long as you can get through that first half…
Those that have given it lower scores and didn’t like it, I understand where your coming from!

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Pierce Brosnan and Ellen Barkin look badass thanks to whomever picked out that wardrobe. Don't know whether it's because I dropped the bar so low as soon as I saw this is a "Netflix" production. But. The movie isn't a total write off either, IMO.

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It has its moments later on, but the first half of the movie is a bit of a boring slog. Characters are ridiculous and not very believable at all, even inside the strange concept of the movie. The action scenes are alright and shot well enough.

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Good movie for a Sunday afternoon. I didn’t waited to much for this movie, but I liked

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Went in because the premise was fun, wasn't expecting a 10/10, but pleasantly surprised. Funnier than it had any right to be, really.

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I'm not a huge fan of DeVine's slapstick humor, but it was funny enough. I definitely liked it best when the slapstick was toned down a bit. The best part of this movie was a car chase thru a cemetery - not the little roads in a cemetery - nope - we're talking plowing thru tons of headstones. That sight really made me guffaw quite loudly. I have to wonder why no one has done this before.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I was expecting much more from this movie. Disappointed in this, despite the good cast. :rolling_eyes:

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This Is rubbish. What a waste of my time

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First half of the movie was a 4/10 then it improved to a 6/10.

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Not a terrible movie. You ran out of comedies. Give this one a shot.

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It's funny, It's not. It's smart, It's not. Its good, It's not.

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I don’t know about other watchers but I liked it.
I didn't expect it, but this movie turned out to be a good comedy. Just what you would expect - funny situations, funny and sometimes silly jokes, wonderful actors.

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Everything I watched with Adam Devine hits the same note. He is the same. In this one was too much. For the most of the time it wasn't funny it was really cringe

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super awkward and annoying characters

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Here we have a fine example of the Netflix Genre
Stupidly funny, very entertaining, forgettable the next day.

I enjoy it maybe too much, liked some extravaganza scenes, loved the bond joke.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - We laughed outloud so much.

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Gave it a 4, but I think I'm being generous. It had a few funny moments, but most of it was made for toddlers who'll laugh at anything. Usually, I like Adam Divines comedy. This was just poorly written.

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This film is absolutely terrible, I can’t think of a worse movie. I loved it.

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I give this at least a 5 on the "pre-pandemic" scale. Considering there have only been 1 or 2 movies that weren't terrible since the pandemic, maybe The Out-Laws could even scrape up a 6 or more in a "post-pandemic" rating scale.
No one makes straight up comedies anymore, it's always got to be some "lowest common denominator" junk like a "dramedy" or a "rom-com" and many, many movies that could have been funny have been ruined for trying to appeal to a broader audience rather than just trying to be a comedy. Whatever happened to films like Trains, Planes, and Automobiles or Uncle Buck? Even The Hangover films weren't afraid to just be comedic. The Out-Laws isn't as good as any of those movies, but it was silly and watchable with a few good bits (you can't tell me the chase through the cemetery wasn't fucking awesome) and that's more than I can say for a lot of the "comedy + insert other genre" films that seem to be the only thing studios have the balls to put out these days.

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Like my STD screening, I wish I had a dollar for every time I didn't laugh.

Know that the funniest thing about this predictable farce is the title. Once you've read it, you can move on to something entertaining.

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Dumbest movie ever. I cannot stand the Adam actor. He is so annoying it’s not even funny. Why do people think his sctick is funny at all? The more of his movies I see the more unbearable it is

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Think of the worst movie you've ever seen and set the bar there. This movie comes in under that bar.

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such a bad film.
just leave it alone

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Pretty lame "meet the in-laws" type movie that isn't that funny and even the decent members of the cast can't save it. It's watchable I guess, not total trash but it's too noisy and the CONSTANT childish screaming from DeVine (the much less talented and WAY less funny Xerox of Jack Black) really is as irritating as hell!!

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This was a DNF. The comedy felt forced. And its probably why I rarely watch comedies. Could've been my mood. I think I made it 30 minutes before I moved on to another movie.

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This is so bad. It's ridiculously clichéd, and it's been done one thousand times, often much better. There's nothing amusing about any of it.

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If you want to see a funny movie, watch the 2 minute preview. Don’t waste time on this. All the characters were either boring, unlikeable, or annoying. I loved the cast. I love happy Madison movies. This has the recipe to be a winner but man. What a waste.

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Oh man, couldn't even finish it, not entertaining at all..

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Netflix and Happy Madison are the real outlaws - they take our money and run!

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Not funny at all. 3/10.

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