Shouts about...

The Quiet Ones 2014

I was asleep for half of it but what I caught was ok lol

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Was looking forward to watching this, but I felt the film was a bit all over the place. I also dislike the whole "camera angle view" thing in films, and this featured elements of that.

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My rating was probably closer to 6.5 but the film - while really very interesting psychologically - was very 2D in terms of the characters. Apart from Jane, of course. Olivia Cooke was the best and brightest, giving a very intense and interesting portrayal of Jane Harper. Sam Claflin in particular - I feel - wasn't given much to work with. I still think it was worth watching, but at times the actions of the characters made no sense, and the plot seemed a little obtuse.

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I found just one thing. Olivia Cooke is cute.

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Kinda like most films on Amazon Prime. Completely forgettable.

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Good and creepy. However; easily forgettable, incomplete and has a disappointing ending.

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They do smoke a lot in this movie!

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“Giving it a spin via Netfux rental for my 31 Days Of Horror. Hoping Hammer still has it in them to give you the willies!”

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