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The Ring 2002

One of the best and scariest horror movies. Highly recommendable!

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Solid remake, I actually put it on the same level as the original. It's genuinely creepy and serves as proof that horror doesn't need blood, guts and nudity to be scary. Atmospheric and tense, and Watts really sells it.

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A largely faithful remake, this American version of the Japanese classic, creates a great atmosphere throughout, has an excellent cast and is unsettling and creepy when it needs to be. Whilst it does expand slightly on the backstory to the central premise more than the original Ringu (and it could also be argued perhaps a little too much), the question that has to be asked is why bother in the first place as there is little to set this version apart. It's not a bad film at all, but the similarities to the original leave experienced horror aficianados comparing their quality in the one aspect that matters - how scary and creepy they are. In this area, the original still has the edge.

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If this would have came out in today's social media era it would have taken the world COMPLETELY by storm. This movie is actually perfect at being itself, acting and story is all grade A, how can I not give it a near perfect score? I would say yes it could have been a tad scarier but I'ma have to drop it a 9/10... Just because I know it's not the best of the best in the horror or mystery genre but still it's a phenomenal piece of work! Brilliant! Gave me nightmares as a child but today I can stomach it better (since I survived) but I had chills from start to finish and damn the lead actress was a beauty in this film, and the son's acting.. unbelievably well executed! The effects, brilliant! Even the horses exceeded expectations with their acting!

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I really recommend you to watch it. It's a great movie and I loved the atmosphere and the mystery that is about to be solved.

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Rated this 4 because it is a rip off of the Japanese version which is much better in my opinion.

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Love this movie. However, the fact that her kid saw the movie in the first place is just bad parenting on her part. I mean why would you leave a video that kills you in 7 days around a tv that a 10 year old has access to lol. ;)

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Revisiting a classic horror on #Netflix. It was one of the scariest movie back in the day. The one that started it all.

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Genuinely spooky film. One of the better adaptations made for an American audience. Ignore the sequels though.

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Cindy..the news is on!...another little white girl done fell down a well... 50 black people got they ass beat by police today, but the whole world gotta stop for one little whitey down the hole

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I thought it was campy and completely unconvincing, unlike the Japanese original

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I really enjoy the Japanese original, but I like the American version of "The Ring" even a bit more. This is partly due to the strong lead performance by Naomi Watts, who outshines all the other actors in the series. Furthermore, director Gore Verbinski manages to avoid the original's pacing issues. In addition, director Gore Verbinski manages to get around the pacing problems of the original. He achieves this by ramping up the horror elements. While in "Ringu" there is only one real shock sequence at the end, here the tension is "unloaded" again and again at exactly the right places. Except for the really annoying color grading, "The Ring" also looks pretty good. The locations all contribute to a creepy atmosphere. The plot then culminates, as it did in the original, with a fantastic horror sequence that again works perfectly.

I have to admit that I can't really understand those who call "The Ring" a superfluous remake. Sure, the film doesn't really add anything to the original, but it does a lot of things better than the original, which, in my opinion, definitely gives it a right to exist.

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Made me afraid of tvs for years

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I was almost certain I'd seen this but this was like watching it for the first time and I found it to be a great "creepy" movie. What I really appreciated about it was the fact that it was able to build suspense and keep your attention without a lot of blood and guts. If you're looking for a "gorror" movie, this isn't it, and you might get bored; for those, however, who enjoy a great psychological/creep-out movie, this one was great. And rather than wrapping things up nice and neat, the ending kept me guessing right up to the end credits. Definitely a keeper.

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Honestly super enjoyable and me gasping at the plot twist!! Definitely a modern horror classic in my opinion

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After watching "The Ring" again, there are a number of things that don't make much sense. These may just be things I missed (again).

SPOILERS A-Plenty follow
If Samara can manipulate images (the videotape, the x-rays), where does the phone call come from? Is she the master of video AND audio?!?

It's also unclear if Rachel actually stops experiencing horrors only after Noah sees a copy of the tape. I'd have to watch it yet again, but the horse going nuts on the ferry boat certainly occurs after Noah has viewed the tape. Perhaps the crazy horse isn't a direct of result of the curse of the tape. It could just be the horse sensing the evil that Rachel's been involved with. But why confuse the rules of the tape at that point?!? Just to show Rachel the blood in the water?

The movie still looks great and the images and visuals are awesome, but the story has lost some credit with me. I'm dropping this down a half a star from my original four-star rating.

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Full of suspense and intrigue, The Ring is a subtle but intense thriller. When a newspaper reporter investigates an underground videotape that supposedly kills you seven days after watching it, she discovers that it’s all too true. Featuring Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson, Brian Cox, and Amber Tamblyn, the casting is pretty good, with one exception (the child actor who plays Watt’s son). And while the pacing seems slow, it just makes the thrills that much more intense when they come. Additionally, the investigation of the tape is well-plotted and engrossing. Though American remakes of foreign films have a bad rap, The Ring is an impressive horror film that delivers some bone-chilling terrors.

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This is nice and mystery

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Mm, I don't like it. I don't know, maybe it just had too much going on. The ending really dragged on. Lots of tenuous motivators for these characters. Didn't really do much for me.

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It's very well done from all departments (even the tape is too slick) but there's too much backstory and investigation, which is why I prefer the original.

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The cgi has not aged well.

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This movie was so good I haven't seen such a great horror movie in years, the story is entertaining and it didn't need jumpscares to be scary at all the ambience did its job

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I love how Americans have this special ability to take an amazing foreign movie and turn it into a trashy American movie. That's gotta be some kind of terrible superpower.

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"What is it with reporters? You take one person's tragedy and force the world to experience it... spread it like sickness."

While watching this I found myself asking "why does this look so good" and sure enough it's Gore Verbinski directing this journo horror flick. It is a fun ride and at the time I remember it being a fresh story for the American audience.

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Why is not working play movies

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Samara is my hero.

Probably one of the best movies ever made. In my top three or four. Such good horror.

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A childhood favorite! Nothing else to be said!

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This is nice and mystery story

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This is nice and mystery story

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Shout by Deleted

nota máxima pra esse filme maravilhoso do *******

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Samara Samara que sustos das. Remake muy parecido a su original que asusta realmente y estas en tension durante toda la pelicula

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