Lets not do the time warp again.

I'll stick to Tim Curry version thank you very much.

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Why did they even bother to try re-making a cult classic. real dumb move :(

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I'm no huge Rocky Horror fan but this movie was very good. Laverne Cox and Victoria Justice were great.

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Way worse than the original, but still funny, and I had fun singing the OST. The lypsinc is horrible tho, and they use too much backing-vocals :/

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A severely hollow mish-mash of loose re-interpretation of songs and outright aping of the original Picture Show non-musical performances. Victoria Justice is the only light Over at the Frankenstein Place here, managing to pay homage to Susan Sarandon's performance without falling foul of being just an inferior copycat.

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It was just ok IMO. Someone like Lady Gaga playing Frankenfurter would have put it over the top. I spent most of the show wondering about how they'd change scenes to allow it on network TV. Much of the cast just didn't seem natural in their parts, especially when compared to the movie. The accents sounded like Americans doing overboard accents, vs the movie where that thought never came to mind. Maybe there lies the problem, they tried too hard.

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Huge Rocky Horror fan here, and I think they did an amazing job. If you didn't like it.. go watch the film it's still there. No reason to bash and hate because your opinion was negative about it. Why are people sooooo negative. Just enjoy it for what it is, and have a good time. I sure as hell did!

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I kept an open mind while watching it, but this was terrible. The only good thing about it was Laverne Cox and Tim Curry. It didn't have to be exactly like the original, but it at least had to try to be good and it failed. So disappointing.

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this won't be something that gets glowing reviews, and i won't say it deserves them. remaking something like rocky horror with a "modern twist" would be difficult to do well. however, i really thought the casting was spot-on for most of the roles!

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This was such utter trash! Fox needs to stop doing musicals. It's obvious they don't know what they're doing.

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