This is goddawful bad. It feels like absolute waste of time.

Okay, First, the last time I believed that CIA were the good guys in ANYTHING, I had probably 12 yo.
Second, is "vagina" a funny word now? Am I supposed to laugh?
Third, I literally can't believe GILLIAN ANDERSON subjected herself to appear in this movie. I hope she got paid enough to compensate for the humiliation.
Fourth, this was probably one of the unfunniest comedy movies I ever had the displeasure of watching.
Overall I don't recommend this "experience" to anyone.

AND I watched this twice!!! Because I literally forgot I watched this movie before! So it was a double waste of time I will never recuperate.

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I will not tolerate any type of John Mayer slander.
Mila Kunis is that purple dress and in that sequined dress though

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Nice movie, better then the average Netflix movie these days.

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Decent action. Decent comedy. Decent plot. Nothing mind blowing.

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it's not the best action movie or the funniest comedy movie but i think what people who haven't seen this movie [especially women] are missing out on is the portrayal of the relationship between leading ladies. it is so pure and healthy and supportive and good and loving. it's destined to be called a 'hidden gem' and named on lists called 'best movies to watch with your girlfriends after a breakup' or 'best movies for a friday night in with your best gals pals.'

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Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon star in The Spy Who Dumped Me, a rather disappointing action-comedy. After discovering that her ex-boyfriend is a CIA agent Audrey and her best friend take it upon themselves to complete his mission to get a flash drive to a contact in Europe. Unfortunately, McKinnon is poison; going way over the top with her bawdy comedy. The tone is all over the place and the plot is incredibly formulaic and predictable. Still, some of the jokes work and there a few good action scenes. But The Spy Who Dumped Me just doesn’t know what it wants to be and doesn’t work as a comedy or an action film.

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The definition of an average movie. McKinnon was below average though.

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This is one of the best best-friend-movies I've ever seen. Morgan and Audrey are pure gold. I adored Morgan on the (oh no, spoilers) trapeze. This also coincides with the best and only best-friend-spy-flick I've ever seen. And I mean, Heughan is in this, how can one not.

It's basically a love story, from every girl who ever wanted to be a spy when she grows up.

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Not even remotely good or funny. McKinnon was so bad and irritating that you could punch her in the face. Nothing was ok about the movie, the scenes were terrible, the story written by 9 years old and something resembling a spy story that was bad, really bad.

The extra 1 is because Kunis looks good in tight dress and cleavage

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I really enjoyed this! I clicked on it on Hulu on a fluke, but was engrossed in the first couple minutes. It's a great feel good, ridiculous action comedy with heartwarming friendships, witty one liners, and crazy car chases. I'm going to keep this movie on my list to re-watch when I want a cozy night full of cheesy, hilarious fun!

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See i saw this movie before obsessively binging patriot act, i didn't know who " hasan minhaj " was, and i still thought it was a great movie then. Now it's definitely better.

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Shout by Deleted

"GENRES Action, Comedy" What??? I get that they might want to write some jokes in this movie to keep it fun and light and that's totally fine. Look at Austin Powers, Johnny English, Naked Gun etc. All hilarious to me.
but man... these were the worst "jokes" (read: lines of text that are timed on moments normally known as funny parts) I've ever seen in a full production movie. Only 1 joke made me laugh and that was the quote Americans? They were so bad, unbelievable. Nothing clever or throught though and there was plenty of room to make jokes. How can you make a bathroom scene when someone is making a brown cake not funny?

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One of the stupidest movies of all time.

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Mila & Kate have such good chemistry i loved it. the movie not so much!! hope they do a really comedy movie next time

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Shout by AJ
BlockedParent2019-03-31T22:13:46Z— updated 2019-04-18T06:41:46Z

Very dumb and fun movie. It's nothing memorable, but it was a decent entertainment for a couple of hours, with some good laughs. Kind of like every Mila Kunis movie that I've seen, now that I think of it :laughing:

It could have been better with one less plot twist, maybe.

Also, for Outlander fans (beware, spoilers ahead!!): weird to see Sam Heughan fighting against "the highlanders", huh? :joy:

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Not particualrly funny, and neither is it very clever. Still, for a one night stand, you could do a lot worse!

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Great when you just want to laugh your ass off, not when you expect a deep and meaningful drama.

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Handwerklich sehr gut inszeniert. Starker Beginn, jedoch flacht das ganze ab Mitte Film massiv ab. Vermutlich um 30min. zu lange....

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All in one, but nothing at all.

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I watched it based on the comments here that it was side-splitting. This movie is a stinker from start to finish. There's NOTHING funny unless you're 8 years old and smoking pot for the first time. The actors probably wore masks when they cashed their cheques (checks) after filming this. The writer and director should be banished for all eternity so that no one ever has to pay to suffer their "craft" ever again.
Mila Kunis gets the 1 just cause she looks great in a tight dress.

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This movie is too silly at times

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The first part was so slow and boring and not funny. Second half was okay but not great. I like Kate McKinnon some of the time and alway like Mila Kunis but the writing is slow and boring

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i really liked it really cool movie funny

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I pushed play because my girl has a lady-boner for Kate McKinnon so ehhhhhhh bow chicka wow wowwwww

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Even the decent supporting actors have not saved this movie...

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This was supposed to be funny?
Didn't laugh once.

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Some people are easily amused by low brow humor by the likes of Kate McKinnon, I am not one of them. This would have been a halfway decent movie if not for her subpar acting and blatant feminist ramblings

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Honestly entertaining movie with Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon working as an oddball couple in this spy comedy. Who to trust and things going wrong at the wrong time. Hilarious moments of disgust and funny scenes. Just a movie to watch for pure entertainment and comedy if thats what you are looking for.

An easy fun watch, which turned out to be better then I expected.

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Really enjoyed this one. A genuinely good action comedy.

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I hate to say this but kate was the worst I've ever seen her ... I am so disappointed

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Yay for female friendship!

Mila and Kate brought me in and Sam made me stay (and, well, the girls too, cause they were hilarious). Good God is that man handsome!

The car chase in Vienna made me laugh so much. Easy one of the best scenes of the whole movie. I really enjoy car chases for some reason.

Comedy + female empowerment + cheesy violence + a splash of romance + a bit of intrigue? Awesome combination. This was a great movie.

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It's a fun spy comedy, with likeable leads. It just drags out way too long. Too much is predictable and laborious, but the cast is able to make it a good time.

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A stupid movie with some predictable twists. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised with the amount of laughter it brought. Would happily watch again.

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“The Spy Who Dumped Me” doesn’t take the spy-comedy genre to new heights, however there is a lot of fun to be had with this one. It features stellar locations and a great comedic performance by Kate McKinnon.

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Why is Mila Kunis playing in a Melissa McCarthy movie instead of a Melissa McCarthy?

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Like sailing on a day with no wind: it's pleasant enough but doesn't really go anywhere and you won't be moved.

Still, I will continue to watch and enjoy Kate McKinnon in everything she does, even when she misses her marks and makes bad choices like she does here.

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I probably wouldn't have chosen to go see this movie, to be honest. However, I went with a friend who wanted to see it and it was a lot better than I expected. Pretty dumb but also quite fun.....laughed out loud quite a lot.

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some decent violent, action pieces, and plenty of laughs. it's your standard fish out of water spy thing, with all the cliches. but it's an enjoyable ride I'd be happy to go on again.

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ok so let me start by saying i had been dying to see this movie and it was well worth my wait I laughed my ass off the entire movie I suggest anyone who has a since of humor to go see this movie

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There were some good 'dad jokes', but not that much of real humor. The film seemed torn between trying to be taken seriously, and a comedy. This resulted in a hybrid film that failed both areas miserably. Had they embraced either category fully, it would have been at least a little better. Mila Kunis was awesome, but every single cast member besides her was forgettable the moment they were offscreen. The 'assassin' character was so dumb and faked, they should have just left her out.

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The problem with The Spy Who Dumped Me is that it feels very disjoint -- it feels like two different films were shot and then they tried to edit them together without much success. There is a mediocre comedy that works some of the time and there is the mediocre action film that gets quite dark. Mixing these two mediocre elements together only dilutes each other.

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Kate McKinnon is a little too much. Mila Kunis is good. Just your typically studio comedy. There were some funny jokes but for the most part it is forgettable.

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Really funny movie. Everybody in the theater was laughing hard. Fabulous locations.

Kate McKinnon is funny as usual even though she still needs to perfect her acting skills on the big screen.

See it, you will have great time.

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An amusing film COMPLETELY RUINED by Kate McKinnon. She could be weaponized. If I ran a movie studio, I would hire her and lend her to other studios so she could ruin their movies. 3/10

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Absolutely silly, ridiculous movie and I laughed my way through the whole thing. Sam Heughan was just the icing on the cake. Great comedic performances. Great locations. Silly story. I give this an 8 (hilarious) out of 10. [Comedic Spy Spoof]

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SNL’s Kate McKinnon is the main attraction of this movie. While she needs more time to adjust to the big screen, she still leaves you begging for more. Seen at a press screening at the ArcLight Hollywood

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Kate McKinnon makes this movie.

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