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The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2023

I've come close to playing the entire Mario catalog in my time, one thing I was not expecting them to carry over from the source material was a puzzlingly bad storyline.

Others seemed to like it, but the references were nauseating to me - unashamedly shoehorned into every nook and cranny. I felt like it was trying (and failing) to toy with a ham-fisted nostalgia that completely missed the point of what makes Mario appealing.

And for a movie that tried so hard to inject elements of the games into every frame, there were far too many instances where there game logic was not followed. The two most prominent being:
1 - Mario breaking blocks by punching to the side or punching downwards - as opposed to breaking them from underneath or doing a ground pound.
2 - Princess Peach acted like Daisy, not Princess Peach.

I mean, people will no doubt love this movie. But think to yourself. Would you legitimately watch a sequel?

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I just can't pretend it's any good.

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jack black carried this movie, better than expected.

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This movie might make sense for fans that just a hit of nostalgia and don't care about storyline - most of the transitions are just awful.

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This was a very entertaining movie, it had a very wholesome vibe to it all and it kept me nostalgic with how much of Nintendo was included within.

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The foundations for a great movie are all there, but barely any of them are used in an interest or satisfying way. Peach is the character with the most potential in here, and she's completely wasted. It's painful to watch. Bowser could've been better too, although he was easily the best part of the movie.

Also, the pacing of this movie is almost unbearable. This story asked for way more than 83 minutes.

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Nothing special imo. Liked the Sonic movies way more.

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When the movie focuses solely on being a Mario film, it is quite enjoyable. However, when it adopts the generic style of an Illumination movie, relying on uninspired celebrity voice acting, cringeworthy music choices from the 1980s, and forced emotional moments (such as Mario's relationship with his father in Mario 64), it becomes quite disappointing. While I didn't despise it, I wouldn't enthusiastically recommend it either.

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Yes,Yes that is a cartoon.
Love it.

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It's better than I thought it would be! I liked the changes of the Mario's lore, but I felt it approaches a lot of games and references for favor of fan service, because of that it looks rushed... Super Mario was part of my infancy and I think this influences a lot in my opinion about this movie.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.8

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All I have to say is if you love mario then this is the movie for you to go see. It was excellent from start to finish. I hope they make a sequel.

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Nostalgic delight for a kid that grew up in the 80s/90s. From an NES to now still playing on a switch this was Easter egg heaven. Not perfect by any means but captured the right tone/humour for me. 8.0.

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Cute movie for both the kids and the adults Would watch again

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Cute movie. Loved noticing all the references to different parts of the games. My girls loved that Peach was in it a lot. Overall we are excited to see what other movies they make.

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Not even a huge fan of the game and I really enjoyed this movie

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In this movie, Luigi is the helpless princess. Was really hoping that when he arrived in the Dark Lands we'd get a bit more of Luigi's Mansion, or barring that, that he'd at least grow a little stronger without his brother and maybe help get them out of the suspended cages.

Good nonetheless, and a 7.5 for me, who watched it with my five year old.

Outside of Bowser, I also wouldn't have necessarily known the voice actors behind the characters had I not come in already knowing.

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The cute thing about this movie was, how so many of the game‘s gimmicks were included. The story was obviously just like a game and not overly thrilling but alright.
What I did not enjoy much was the voice actors. Maybe one should start using talented dedicated voice actors and not just the most well known screen actors in order to have names attached to the movie. Didn’t find they did the best jobs and sometimes the Nintendo characters felt more like the actor instead (e.g. their typical catchphrase-like expressions or sounds like laughs, etc.).

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A fun fan service love letter to fans of the games. It's kinda amazing that they could tie in aspects of all the games and do so in a fairly cool way. I was half expecting Dr, Mario to show up for some reason or other, but gotta save something for the inevitable sequel I guess

Also you can't have half of Tenacious D and not add a song or two from him, so it shines there as well "Peach" tune is an earworm

Oh and the super weird thing is this was the first or two times I've heard No Sleep To Brooklyn in two different films where Chris Pratt has an otherworldly adventure today alone....

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Too for kids, for my taste. It doesn't have that Pixar ingredient that gives it an extra layer of depth besides the entertainment. And the third act just went on and on... (how can a 90 minutes movie feel too long?!)
The best was the voice acting.

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I enjoyed this very much. Probably because I love playing the games. This was really done with a lot of thought. If you love the games, watch this movie!

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Gorgeous animation, predictable plot, not cringe, which has already exceeded expectations. Jack Black is great. It’s a pity I laughed probably once, it’s really not that funny. At least there are no fart jokes, which is surprising in itself. Watch once for the sake of references.

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I enjoyed the movie. It was ok but not amazing. I have been a fan of Nintendo and Mario brothers since the late 80's. They did a good job of throwing in a lot of relevant references. The animation style was great and it fit well. The writing was the weakest part of the movie. The entire movie feels like an introduction to the characters. There is no real meaningful plot. This is no "Lego Movie." but it's entertaining and worth a watch non the less.

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It was a love letter to the games and the fans. what a GREAT movie!

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Beautiful to look at and a handful of laughs. I just wish the movie had some sort of substance. Hopefully we get a story in the sequel.

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Of course it could only be Jack Black <3

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Loved this movie, nostalgia was great & bought back many childhood memories.

I was more into than my kids :joy:

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Is it the best movie? No….
Did it entertain me? YES!!!!
I even recommend this movie.

Chris Pratt his voice did not bother me as much as I thought it would.

I also don’t understand why the critics are so negative.
Feels like they watched a other movie.

I enjoyed it, my kids enjoyed it.
Finely a move worth watching in the cinema with kids. I

I’m even hoping for a follow up!!!

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Wasn't terrible, wasn't great. A solid 7

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Great kids movie with a simple plot. Easy to watch and a bunch of nostalgic moments.

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I can't believe no Yoshi !!!
But, a decent adaptation.

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It's alright as a nostalgia trip that pays homage to the franchise's history, but it's nothing particularly impressive and it really could have done without the pop/rock inserts and overuse of slo-mo.

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A Mario adaptation made for the fans. So of course a lot of stiff critics hated the movie. Not only Mario fans but Nintendo players should enjoy the movie as well.
Since there’s Easter eggs for other Nintendo games as well. Like Luigi’s Mansion and Kid Icarus.

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Good entertaining and family friendly movie. Watched it with my little sister for her birthday. Thoroughly enjoyed it and hope Nintendo makes more movies using their many beloved franchises. If you haven't seen the movie in theaters yet, I'd recommend you stick around after the full credits.

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Shout by Erbil :koala:
BlockedParent2023-05-02T17:15:58Z— updated 2023-11-29T19:35:28Z

The Super Mario Bros. Movie excelled in its comedic moments, offering humor that evoked genuine laughter and kept the audience entertained throughout. However, the film struggled with its cliché and predictable storyline. It relied too heavily on familiar tropes and didn't provide enough depth or originality to truly stand out as a memorable cinematic experience. While the humor was enjoyable, the film sometimes faltered in balancing its comedic elements with a meaningful plot.

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Really good movie, not politically correct just a good movie! Hopefully they learned something from this and keep making good movies like this.

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The movie is unwatchable in Ger Dub. The voices of Mario and Luigi didn't fit at all. Peach was way too assertive, and the dialogue lines were way too cringe. Of course, all these critics only refer to the German version, but I have to address this because it makes a good movie with nostalgia into a unwatchable childish one.

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One of the biggest and expensive Nintendo's commercial. Just selling nostalgia. The live action movie is better than this.

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Ok This was a very well done movie, really enjoyed it, short and sweet! Here is to many more from Nintendo.

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Slightly better than the first one, but still far from being a good movie

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Mario and Take On Me

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Well-done adaptation with excellent animation. An homage to the games we all grew up up playing. I enjoyed the way they brought the game to life, each of the worlds magical in their own way. A fun movie to see in the theater with the kids on a rainy day.

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This is what a kids movie should be, just plain simple movie, Disney pay attention!

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All the critics was complaining the movie was only fan-service. Indeed it is only fan-service, but with an universal phenomenon like Super Mario, I doubt you could have done otherwise. I do not think this character allows deeper plots, and in theory a purely visual and technical film here can work very well. This instance has however important weaknesses: it often seemed a prolonged trailer as many action sequences were too short, it should have taken at least 15 minutes more, it should have glued the sequences better, and push more on the parody and videogame-like aspect.

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This is certainly a movie. Aside from the visual splendor of it all, and the onslaught of Nintendo references laced into every frame from the moment the movie starts, it's hard to hide from the fact that this is Minions with a coat of Nintendo paint. TSMBM is as shallow as a puddle in the storytelling department, and pretty devoid of humour too. That said, the Suicidal Luma got a few chuckles out of me and having Jack Black belt out a faux-rock-ballad will never not be entertaining, so it's got that going for it. Everything else is a little too by the numbers and inconsequential to be called compelling, leaving me feeling pretty indifferent to it overall. It's just fine; child movie fodder that'll be played on streaming services ad nauseam in the homes of people with young kids, much to the chagrin of the parents who handed them the iPad that is currently screeching "Peaches" for the 4th time today.

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Watched this with the Daughters and they are big Mario & Sonic Fans, so of course they loved this movie for me..This was pretty cool..Loved the animation and the colours..The story of course is topical and bland but what do I expect it’s for kids..But imagine they had a Adult version of of Super Mario with more depth?? Lol…But I did enjoy it tho all in all..

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Without words… Amazing from the start until the end.

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Exactly as I thought it would be. All of the actors did their job perfectly (except maybe Peach). Let's hope they can do something more interesting in the future.

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If you nanage your expectations in terms of story, characters, and overall cinematic depth, you'll surely come out having had a great time with Nintendo's first major theatrical release. Kids will have a blast of course, but for older fans there are also lots of fun references to the older entries in the Mario franchise. And honestly, the animation is so well done that despite it's simplicity and predictability, it's hard to not have a good time.

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Some admittedly decent visual references can't make up for one of the laziest, most poorly paced, and most narratively bankrupt movies that Illumination has ever produced. I'm so glad I watched a cam-rip from a gambling site instead of paying to see this.

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Absolutely amazing! Being obsessed with Mario since 1996, I am impressed with the level of the details. Everything worked out great.

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As an Sonic fan, I'm obligated to say the Sonic movie was better.

But actually, this isn't bad at all. There's tons of ways they could've let us down but this was pretty good and relatively simple since it's a kids movie. The kids in the theater seemed to love it, so that's all that matters. But I loved hearing the redone OST.

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Bowser hot
Chris Pratt sucks
But most importantly, Bowser hot,,

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An absolutely delightful ride from start to finish! So much detail was put into every scene and world and character, and it completely paid off. The soundtrack was pure bops; Charlie Day, Jack Black, and Anya Taylor-Joy absolutely crushed their roles; and the animation was adorable. Sure, the screenplay was meh and they hit a couple notes too hard (how many times do we have to hear mamma mia!) but hey, it’s a fun kids movie. And I certainly had a blast!

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Not sure if this is interesting enough for all types of audiences, but if you're a fan of Nintendo, especially the Mario Bros. game series, you really really need to watch this movie. It's so packed with detail, with smaller and larger bits of fanservice, you're going to release your inner child again while enjoying this. But be warned, you might probably need more than one watch to get all the details :-)

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So cool seeing the multiple videos showing up on this movie

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The beginning of a franchise or the culmination of one? Nintendo games have always been part of pop culture and are popular among artists, intellectuals and entrepreneurs as one of the greatest family endeavors ever made. I started to see the film divided between Nintendo (a successful brand) and the producer Ilumination (a very weak brand), but in the difficulties I saw the company ilumination do its best work until today (not that that means much). The graphics are excellent and the sound was a wonderful surprise. Now, I need to say that Illumination's decision to make a deal with Nintendo was an easy success.

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"We're the Mario brothers,
and plumbing's our game
We're not like the others
who gets all the fame
If your sink is in trouble,
you can call us on the double
We're faster than the others, you'll
be hooked on the Brother's Unh!"

I'm happy that this song is in the movie. The film itself? Not great but not terrible. It's colorful and decent.

Chris Pratt was far from the worst part.

If you are a fan of the original video games, this won't make you "Bob Hoskins-type" rage.

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Solid movie missed the intro but was pretty enjoyable and funny for adults and children alike probably would be better if I knew mario references. Chris Pratt wasn't that bad a voice actor

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Best animated big budget 3d movie of all time imo, loved Jack Black, Chris Pratt could have been someone else but other than that casting was on point. Loved the references, made up for a little bit of a lacklustre story. As someone who's grown up with Mario it was a true fever dream to see this come to life

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A fun movie that respects the franchise but isn't anything amazing. Families and kids will love this movie, and I think anyone who loves Mario will like this movie.

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So so so so cute

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A lot of fun, the animation and the action is well done, and there are a lot of clever choices to integrate the world of Super Mario. Some of the modern day humor and music is a little off but then again it’s a movie for babies.

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This is going to be so good!

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This casting is dead on.

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