All Lists featuring...

The Thing from Another World 1951


Part of the AFI 100 Years… series, AFI's 100 Years…100 Thrills is a list of the top 100 heart-pounding movies in American cinema. The list was unveiled by the American Film Institute on June 12, 2001, during a CBS special hosted by Harrison Ford.



This list is no longer updated as changes made to the way lists are editable on the site makes it impossible to place titles where they belong on the list. The complete/ongoing list lives on over at Letterboxed and lists over 1500 titles.

Last Update made May 17th 2022. Added: Kuntilanak 3 (2008), Kuntilanak 1-3 (remake trilogy), Haunted 1-5, The Damned and the Dead 1-3.

May 6th 2022: Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 1&2, Mutilator 1&2, Dark Night of the Scarecrow 1&2, Matabatin/The 3rd Eye 1&2, Fear Pharm 1&2, The Doll 1-3, Invoking 3-5, Araf 3&4 and Paranoia Tapes 1-9.

Films yet to be added (missing in database): The House on the Edge of the Park 2, Cannibals (sequel to Cannibal Holocaust), Shrooms 2, Araf 5.

Hannibal Lector films sorted under "Hannibal", Interview With a Vampire & Queen of the Damned sorted under "Vampire Chronicles", House of 1,000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto sorted under "Firefly".


Horror is one of the most readily dismissed genres from critics and film buffs, yet is, arguably, the genre with the most avid and steadfast niche following and remains popular with the general public. With horror films aiming to terrify, spook, shock, disturb, repulse, amuse, entertain and more, it's no wonder the genre is so varied, divisive and controversial.

With so many people ignoring or simply not understanding horror, many great films slip under the radar and are relatively unknown to an audience outside of hardcore horror fans. In order to counteract this and bring awareness to the greatness of the genre, this list was created.

Compiled using 2,614 lists taken from various critics/polls/magazines/books/websites/forums/horror fans, They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? is intended to be the ultimate canonical top 1000 horror list. Spanning several decades, countries and sub-genres, and using lists from a wide range of people and publications, the resulting list is quite a diverse spread and representation of the best of horror.



Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


A bunch of films with White people in them, and can involve White culture. They have to show them in a positive light, that's really it. This is built off Yggdrasil's pro-White list and many others from forums/greentext boards. These are what I'd consider great films, most of which teach good morals, that feature predominantly White casts. Given the extreme anti-White rhetoric plaguing American mainstream right now, it's nice to have a reliable list of watchable films. This list encompasses all genres, that's why it's a mess.

If you have a problem with this list existing, move on. There are plenty of racial pride lists for other ethnicities on Letterboxd, including black nationalism. This is just to catalog the best of cinema featuring Europeans.


This is a list based on the show 'The Movies' on CNN and compiled by a user on Reddit:


The 2013 version of TSPDT’s 1,000 Greatest Films is finally here. After months of stop-start, data-building and unhealthy calculation antics, the latest group of 1,000 movie offerings has been assembled once again for your pleasure (or displeasure). Depending on your observation skills, you may have already noticed that there is a new presentation for this ongoing project.


The old 2012 edition can be found @


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


In his Guide for the Film Fanatic (1986), Danny Peary provides short reviews for over 1600 “Must See” films.

104 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Well over a century has passed since the Lumière brothers frightened the life out of Parisians with The Arrival of a Train at a Station, and well over a million titles have since been recorded - if the Internet Movie Database is anything to go by.

Out of these million-plus movies, our team of experts has picked what we believe is the essential 1,000 - those that best sum up the dazzling achievement and variety of the movies.



The 2013 edition can be found at

Welcome to 2012's edition of the 1,000 Greatest Films. This will be the last update prior to the publication of the 'earth-shattering' Sight & Sound poll which will be unfurled later in the year. The Sight & Sound results will no doubt have a major impact on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films listing. It will become the most heavily weighted poll within our calculations. Anyway, that is then, and this is now."



The They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 greatest films list is primarily compiled by using over 6000 individual critics' and filmmakers' best-films-of-all-time lists/ballots. The resulting list is very diverse and spans virtually all movie-producing decades and countries.



List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: FiltersCertifications: g, r, nr, pg, pg-13
Countries: gb, us, gb
Genres: horror
Min rating: 65
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 0
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2025


The National Film Registry is the United States National Film Preservation Board's selection of films for preservation in the Library of Congress. The Board was established in 1988. Each year, 25 "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant films" are preserved, to increase awareness for its preservation. To be eligible for inclusion, a film must be at least ten years old but it is not required to be feature-length, nor is it required to have been theatrically released.



The best 100 Sci-fi movies as been voted in July 2014 from the London Time Out magazine.
Voted by leading sci-fi experts, filmmakers, science fiction writers, film critics and scientists.


Movies and shorts based on the works of HP Lovecraft (some only loosely), have Lovecraftian themes or strong references to Lovecraft or are clearly Lovecraft inspired.

Some might be fringe cases and not considered Lovecraftian by purists but are included because the atmosphere is suggestive of Lovecraft's work, there are clear nods to Lovecraft and in some case it is just because of name dropping or big tentacle monsters.

Missing on Trakt:
- Corpse-O-Rama (2001)
- The Whisperer in Darkness (2007)
- Lovecraft Chronicles (2009 Series)


Since its explosion in the 1950s, science fiction has become one of the most popular film genres, with numerous dedicated fan conventions, academic conferences, websites, magazines, journals, book clubs, memorabilia and collectibles. Once relegated to B budget status, today's science fiction films are often blockbuster productions, featuring major stars.

Despite its high profile, science fiction is notoriously difficult to define. In his introduction to 100 Science Fiction Films, Barry Keith Grant explains the genre's complexities, while also providing an overview of its history, suggesting that the cinema is an ideal medium for conveying the 'sense of wonder' that critics have argued is central to the genre. From Georges Melies's Le Voyage dans la lune (1902), to the blockbusters of the 1970s that dramatically changed Hollywood, to the major releases of the past few years, the films featured in this book represent a range of periods, countries and types (including alien invasion, space travel, time travel, apocalypse, monsters and anime), and cover the key directors and writers.

100 Science Fiction Films provides a lively and illuminating guide to the genre from the beginning of film history to the present, taking the reader on a comprehensive tour through the rich and varied alternate universe of sci-fi cinema.



HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


In his Guide for the Film Fanatic (1986), Danny Peary provides short reviews for over 1600 “Must See” films.

104 movies missing. Imported from external source.


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: FiltersCertifications: g, r, nr, pg, pg-13
Countries: gb, us, gb
Genres: science-fiction
Min rating: 65
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 0
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2025
