Shouts about...

The Tinder Swindler 2022

I'm surprised how much I loved this. An amazing story. And a classic case of women, journalists and filmmakers doing the work that the police seem to have little interest in.

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Quite an interesting insight into a scam so elaborate that it could just as easily be a Hollywood film, not a documentary.
Meanwhile, it's quite pathetic how the victim-blaming discussed in the movie continues in the trakt comments

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If you looking for a true-crime doc to watch over Valentines this is it. Starts slow but stick with it by the end it gets crazy. I recommend going in blind .your in for a good time

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In a world of Simons, be more Ayleen.

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Interesting enough and develops from predictable to unpredictable at the end.

I couldn't help but feel that these women went in seeing $$$ and were blinded by the prospect of a wealthy lifestyle. Would they have been taking out loans and hand-delivering cash to a guy working 9-to-5 in a local government admin job...? Exactly.

The fact that he was able to get away with it and looks to still be able to is a damning indictment on the global law around fraud.

The final woman was brilliant. Fair play to her for getting a pound of flesh back.

As for the first woman, back on Tinder immediately.... God help the poor guy who she hooks as he's paying back all that swindled money!


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So a bunch of girls go digging for gold (or should I say diamonds) and end up digging themselves in debt. Cant say I have much sympathy for them the dude was hardly attractive - yet he still managed to swindle them.

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It's disgusting that he only served five months, wasn't convicted of his multiple frauds, and is back living the high life - on other people's money - again. Meanwhile his victims are still paying off his debts!?

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This documentary was absolutely insane and incredibly frustrating to watch.

Ayleen Charlotte is such a boss and I love how she took matters into her own hands to try and find a solution. Love how she got him to experience how it feels to be scammed

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It was an OK "true crime-ish" movie.
I cannot believe the guy didn't do more time and that he's so bold to continue living this way. I also cannot believe that smart women still fall for these types of guys.

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I was really entertained from start to finish, a crazy true story, and a very elaborate scam. The man is an evil genius who can't write 4th grade english (the letter he wrote), but still capable of managing and planning high stake scam like this. Man, all those messages, all this flying of private jets, those money transfers, those girlfriends.....whtat a headache. I felt sorry for the ladies, and I won't call them gold diggers, but for sure they got attracted to his money and lifestyle. This is how the world works, we all know it.
Bottom line, well put together and entertaining doc, crazy true story, THUMBS UP!

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imagine getting on a jet with a stranger that u just met on a dating app :) n they were hurt by the comments like ???? srsly ..
but still so so sooo unfair how they had to keep paying for the debt while he lived his life easy <\3

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:triangular_flag_on_post:red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: , :triangular_flag_on_post:red flags:triangular_flag_on_post: everywhere!

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Watched this yesterday still can't believe this..I am so sorry for the victims i wish no one ever be in their position again.

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I'm not on the idealists side, so the first half was very funny. The second half got thrilling. Good production for a documentary.

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This story is incredible…. Well done Netflix…. The movie was precise and complete. Unfortunately the protagonist did not pay for his crimes. Incredibly with a doc out and his face all over the net he still manages to love well beyond most of our means…..incredible

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The Tinder Swindler is a very interesting documentary, following the story of different women who fell for a scam by an Israeli conman.

While the scam in itself is nothing particularly new - it's nothing more than a Ponzi scheme- I found it interesting how this man managed to apply it on Tinder, adding emotions and sentiments in the mix of everything.

The documentary itself is very well shot and it could easily be an Hollywood movie. They managed to tell the story very well, without letting it get too boring.

It's certainly a cautionary tale about online dating (more like about trusting people, really). Worth a watch.


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I'm not a big fan. Scams are my cup of tea, but this particular production is not. To each their own.

The scam, while theatrical isn't particularly brilliant. We are looking at a glorified tech support scam with a different veneer for a different audience. If you have a more than basic knowledge of how confidence scams work, you'll clearly see the pieces put together in a rather obvious pattern.

I'm glad this is getting attention, and I hope people realize that there are plenty of scammers out there, but nothing in this is new. In fact as I write this there are dozens of similar schemes on dating sites/tiktok/instagram - although the big ones now are crypto pump 'n dumps playing on market instability and FOMO instead of honeypots. Still you'll see the same types of manipulation through crazy emotional escalation.

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What a gigantic piece of dung. No offense, but when the premise of your initial attraction is that the guy has money, you kind of just put the jackass mask on for him

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Ok by coincidence I ended up watching this after "Inventing Anna" the show about the Anna Delvey con. They are cons on a similar vein maybe with different motivations and targets. The end result was quiet suprising! Yes I guess it is true that there is a gender gap on getting away with crime too. 5months only like WTF! how the hell? I guess we live in the age of InstaCons now. It would be short sighted to just say the victims were just blinded by money, there was a huge amount of emotional manipulation too, through love, fear and stress.

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Unfortunately nothing happened with the main character. While this, the victims are still struggling and trying to back with their lives.
I think the victims where naive, how could a millionaire need to borrow money... Anyway.
Was a good TV show and I recommend to watch it and also pay attention in virtual relationships.

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Absolutely hilarious documentary! I recommend it to anyone who wants to see delusional modern women get fucked. Then go watch blackpilled review on Odysee.

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Crazy story. Amazing how he could keep it up. Amazing.

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Very engaging documentary, highly recommend it (Especially if you think shows like dateline are entertaining){I don't care about dateline but I still enjoyed this}. I understood the main point, it was to give awareness to this kind of scam, and this guy specifically. But I couldn't help but be simply impressed by the amount of "con" this Simon guy squeezed out. I'm a sucker for heist documentaries and I just thought it was crazy how much this guy got away with. And even crazier even after this guy got knocked down, he got right back up again in less then a year! It's unfortunate a man as intelligent as he is puts his mind to coning, but damn.

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So…em…this guy is fxxking sea king.

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Shout by Carla

Can't even imagine the emotional and financial damage he inflicted upon so many women. Victim blaming is easy when you haven't been in the shoes of the other person. I'm glad they got their power back in some way, 'cause many of these assholes take advantage of discretion and these women made sure he was known for who he really is: a piece of shit, like one of them said, pathetic, definitely, and a criminal. Whoever's with him now won't be able to say they didn't know what they were getting into.

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imagine being this gullible and attracted to money

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Good for him. He put on some makeup, what's wrong with that? Women do it on a daily basis

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This documentary made no sense. The first girl was from Norway and sometimes in London but had her Mum in her phone as ‘Mom’? I think the producers faked a lot of this and that is just one red flag for me to not believe this one sided story.

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I watched this when it first came out about two years ago and I have thought about it regularly since. This is basically a cash grab for these girls to try and make whatever money they can for their "situation", but man is it crazy. There are so many layers of absurdity (good and bad) with each of their stories that it makes this one of the more gripping documentaries I have seen.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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Sadly, after all that is said and done, he is still living a better life than the victims even though he was arrested and did time (minimal time) He is back on track to how he used to be so it seems like that 5 months was nothin to him. It's basically a small setback just so he could clear his wanted name and then live freely again. Is that really punishment? Maybe, but u can clearly tell it has not affected him one bit. The victims were affected in life changing ways than his, so did the victims really won?

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People have always been and will always be naive, such a film will certainly help to build awareness. The problem is that here, as in many other similar cases, the scammers are always one step ahead...

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Premise - 15/20 - There's a lot of douchebags on dating sites, but a guy stealing millions of dollars? OK, I'll bite.
Cast/characters - 15/20 - For some reason, I thought there might be an actor playing the main guy, but nope. Actual people, which is cool to see. Is it me, though, or is Cecilie really hot? And she's single? Looks like I'm going to have to learn how to date a Norwegian.
Story - 16/20 - So how did he do it? And how did he do it for so long? Did they catch him? I wanted to know.
Dialogue - 10/20 - Other than the main guy's fake bullshit, there isn't much dialogue. There's just explanation, and I enjoyed hearing all of it, but it wasn't Tarantino. It was a documentary, and real life isn't always poetic.
World-building - 13/20 - Jet-setting around the world was interesting. Checking out all these rich places where the main guy would take all his 'gram pictures was interesting.

69/100 - 3.5/5 stars - Another shout out to Cecilie. sigh

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