Shouts about...

The Toxic Avenger 1984

"For your information, everyone knows monsters prefer blondes."

The pinnacle of fun entertaining self-aware B-movie madness alongside Riki-Oh, Evil Dead II, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, The VelociPastor... This one's overactive and energetic, the comedy is mostly ridiculously silly but at other times so dark and cruel it's a little traumatizing (first kill). I do wish more of the jokes landed but a good 80% of them do. Lots of funny one-liners but you can always use more in these movies. The voice of the Avenger gets me every time. The practical effects and makeup are worth a mention. The initial transformation scene, the "cooking with the Toxic Avenger" segment and the ninja guy are my favorite moments. Such a fun watch!

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We have fight sequences, road action, a super hero, drama, romance, and some performances. None of it particularly good but it sure is fun throughout most of the short run time.

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A geek becomes a hulking hero after falling into a vat of toxic waste. With his new, disgusting body and totally toxic superpowers, this transformed nerd-monster hits the streets of New Jersey to fight crime and exact a little radioactive revenge on the jocks who once tortured him. This is way over the top than I was expecting. I love some romantic horror superhero action comedy with ridiculous exploitation and violence. It's gross, horribly offensive, yet the silliest thing I’ve ever seen, and quite endearing too. The sense of humor seems so different. I think that's where its charm comes from. I can see some people not liking the comedy but it works for me. It's got plenty of gore and nudity. The practical gore effects are impressive despite its low budget. Definitely an experience I will never forget and I'm so glad I've finally caught up with this masterpiece.

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All of the B (as in 'Bad') movie shortcomings with none of the charm, irony or satire of 2006's superior Poultrygeist. While The Toxic Avenger lays the groundwork for Troma features to come, I wasn't troma-tized enough.

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There's not often I say this, but sometimes...something is soooo's good. The Toxic Avenger is like that.

I don't know what it is, but this movie always make me smile. It's stupid, gross, and the acting is atrocious, but it is still worth watching.

I'll say this...most of what Troma spewed out in the 80s were not all that fun, but this is...

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What a shitty movie!!!!!! Omg the editing is crap, acting is crap and the story line is so non existant it isnt funny... Easy one of the worst films I ever had to sit through

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A masterpiece it's not, but what makes this one special is the sheer stupidity, the comedy, the over-acting, and the gore. All-in-all the most politically incorrect piece of film ever made. Great fun for any cult classic lovers out there...

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