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The Wolfman 2010

This remake of the 1941 werewolf classic boasts an excellent cast, fantastic monster effects, and high production values. There's a lot to like about the atmosphere as well. Unfortunately, the movie is also extremely dull. This is almost certainly due to the fact that not a single new idea is introduced. Everything has already been seen in better form somewhere else. The dialogue will also put you to sleep. The tone is melodramatic throughout; a little more variety in the characters' emotions would have been a good idea. This flick also fails as a horror film. If you're searching for a scary werewolf movie, you'll have to look elsewhere.

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Despite the great cast, this was really dull. This was loaded with gore which seemed to be the goal of the movie. I didn't think the effects were very good and were another example of CGI taking me out of the story.

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"Terrible things Lawrence, you've done terrible things."

I watched the Unrated Director's Cut and I can say that it is pretty bloody (which is a good thing). There are some questionable CGI moments, but I am glad that they also used practical effects for the makeup and kept him close to the original Wolfman's looks and not just some crazy wolf creature. Better than I expected, but I am a sucker for werewolf stories.

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“You’ve done terrible things.” Director Joe Johnston remakes the classic Universal Monster Movie The Wolfman as an ultraviolent horror film. After the death of his brother Lawrence Talbot returns to his family’s estate and vows to kill the creature responsible, but during his pursuit he’s bitten by a werewolf and becomes an unholy monster. Benicio Del Toro is horribly miscast as Talbot, and Anthony Hopkins’ performance is completely phoned in. The gratuitous violence is also a problem, and makes it hard to view Talbot as a sympathetic victim. An ugly and soulless adaptation, The Wolfman is exploitative garbage.

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This is basically a remake of 'An American Werewolf in London', but really dreary.

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I guess I'm the only one who like it too much

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Definitely the victim of high expectations, Fantastic make-ups, quality visual effects, and decent performances. The Oedipal context added an interesting new dimension, but, even so, it failed to keep my attention and never delivered on an emotional level.

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