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Thoroughbreds 2018

The film is a slow burn with a end that flips the characters personalities. Both Anya and Olivia have a screen presence that you can't look away from, and the late Anton Yelchin was great also.

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Here we have horses, Steve Jobs, psychopathy, sociopathy, rich atmospheric music and family dysfunction - not in any order, the end.

It's a rather heady movie but it's an OK watch. I'd suggest watching it before 7pm and preferably with a fully alert mind. Otherwise you may fall into the... well, you may fall asleep.

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Acting amazing. Everything else… eh. Can’t say I enjoyed this tbh. I don’t get the point of it really.
Also disappointed with how small Anton’s role was.
Overall, not what I expected.

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A ridiculously engaging drama/thriller/black comedy about two young women plotting a very bad thing while navigating the complicated dynamics of their co-dependent relationship. The two lead actresses carry the whole thing effortlessly with their stunning performances and the ambiguous epilogue subtly hints at a possible last-minute plot twist, having the viewer re-evaluate the protagonists’ whole motives and power dynamics.

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This was really funny.

What does a horse buy from a bakery? Thorough-bread, haha!

Get it? Cause

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I don't know what to say about this film. In some ways it is very good, in others it is horrible. I do not recommend that you watch, but if you watch ok. Very good performances, interesting argument, unexpected outcome, but a very slow pace. I really do not know.

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5 only for perfomances..Too slow with no tense even in the end..R.I.P Anton so sad :(

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I can make this really short, great actors acting great in a overly long and boring movie....

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Do yourself a favor and watch something else. This is very slow and not that interesting, and a suck A$$ ending

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Shout by Deleted

This is probably the best movie of the year that absolutely no one has seen. I waited outside for the cinema to open at 9:00 AM and sat completely alone watching this movie, that was the easiest way I could find to see it. This movie screams of future cult classic, the theme of control comes through with Finley’s direction as well as in Cooke and Joy’s unnerving performances. This has been compared to Heathers and the comparison is definitely justified, Finley’s directorial debut will almost definitely be seen as an underrated classic in the vain of Heathers in a few years. As far as I can tell this is Yelchin’s final performance and even though he is definitely outshined by Joy and Cooke he really adds something special to a character that could easily have been played as pathetic. Overall Thoroughbreds wreaks of control from the actions purposefully left of screen to the ear-grabbingly insane score. If you get the chance you have to see this, let’s give it the recognition it deserves.

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Because the film is led by characters that are detached from their emotions, I felt largely detached from the movie as a whole. It's not terrible, but it is a cold experience, and not the modern classic that many have considered it to be.

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Shout by Deleted

'Thoroughbreds' might be the definition of just fine.

The film depicts two upper-class teenage girls which despite of the resources they have on their disposal, they both have their own traumas which may have contributed to the psychological instability they currently live in.

The story will focus more in one of the teenage, Lily, portrayed by Anya Taylor-Joy, she feels oppressed living with her stepfather, his contempt for Lily, makes the mental fragile teenage girl to make dangerous choices with the help of her childhood friend, that she reunites with.

It's a good film to watch, but there's a few scenes where the slow pace might throw some viewers away from It, although, in my opinion, the enjoyable performance of Taylor-Joy and the unexpected ending make it worth a watch.

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A really dark dramedy with two charming actresses and great dialogues.

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The movie started off nicely and there was a nice build.  Somewhere toward the end it started to unravel a bit and the end felt rather unsatisfying.

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Really liked this and I have no idea why... Maybe had something to do with the stellar cast (Anton Yelchin!), weird vibe and incredible 10/10 soundtrack which was practically a character itself. Whatever the reason, this film marked me, which is a godsend when one sees as many films as I.

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This movie surprised me quite a bit. The relationship between Amanda and Lily is interesting to watch, slowly unfolding and the ending was bittersweet.

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'Thoroughbreds' dissects teen happiness, or the lack of it in a wealthy suburb of Connecticut. There's a lot to like about the Hitchcockian plot and camerawork with Director Corey Finley straying away from your normal teen drama and instead opting for a clever, intriguing style full of wry humour and aloofness. One scene in particular is brilliantly directed with a long slow zoom that cranks up the tension.

Anya Taylor Joy and Olivia Cooke are both brilliant as the young privileged teens who try to hatch a murder plot. And the script is really engaging. It's been described as 'Heathers' meets 'American Psycho', which is pretty much on the mark. There are a few moments that don't quite stack up and a little too much 'trope' comes into play at certain points but this is Corey Finlay's debut film, and there's enough here to suggest he's got some fine Directing chops.

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Somehow, this movie had me actually hooked the entire time. I'm not even sure how, as I intended to get some work done while having it play in the background.

All I can say is I loved the main characters and felt the relationship between Amanda and Lily was very well played out and developed. Also some incredible character development for Lily, which shows that she's even worse than Amanda was, or at least the capacity for much worse. One a sociopath, one a psychopath.

Highly recommend, if you are able to follow unusual movie's and odd plotlines.

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A quirky, angsty but deep comedic thriller that had me hooked from the very first scene.
Like Juno with a murder plot. If either of those speak to you, give Thoroughbreds a shot. It's definitely worth your time.

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This movie is weird and slow. The music is good and story is interesting, it went places I didn't think of. Anton Yelchin (RIP) was great in his last performance but there wasn't enough of him.

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even the music OF THIS FILM is very good intuitive ( suspens ) tout peu arriver all can happen in this movie
surprise ! ! !
very good movie super good script and must of all super very good acting from all actors...
especially Olivia Cooke one of the 2 girls who very different and the boy of course is played by Anton Yelchin... :) the movie is. a must seen :) don't loose it :)

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