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Three Colors: White 1994

Three Colors (Trois Couleurs) trilogy by Kieslowski
Blue - Part 1
White - Part 2
Red - Part 3

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The most talked about film of the trilogy. Julie Delpy stands out.

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Three Colours trilogy (French: Trois couleurs, Polish: Trzy kolory)
Trois Couleurs Bleu (1993) Three Colours Blue
Trois Couleurs Blanc (1994) Three Colours White
Trois Couleurs Rouge (1994) Three Colors Red

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Men are fucking deranged help... look at the lengths he went just to prove his virility.

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I think one of the drawbacks of being an American movie viewer is that we are used to a certain kind of pacing.  In this film the director has a very deliberate pace and while the film never drags there is certainly a slow build.  In a way it reminds me of Better Call Saul.   The genius of this film is the final scene.  With one final stroke the entire film is given a different texture and meaning.  Where there seemed like not much was going on there was actually a lot going on.  I loved it and I loved thinking about it after it ended.  

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