Personal Lists featuring...

Tourist Trap 1979


A collection of proto slasher movies that premiered before the 1980s starting with Psycho, which is the starting point for the evolving genre until it found its textbook definition with Halloween in 1978.

Definition: "A slasher movie is characterized by a villain who is skilled at killing and uses weapons other than firearms to stalk and target a group of young individuals, resulting in a significant number of victims. This villain may be either human or formerly human."

This list specifically focuses on the evolution of the Slasher genre and thus excludes pre-1960 films, generic serial killer flics, exploitation movies, giallos, krimis, and psychological horror films. While a few films from these categories have been included as they were influential in introducing certain tropes, such as the final girl, to the Slasher genre.

If I missed any movie you think that should be on this list or if you find some obvious mistakes please let me know and I'll make the appropriate adjustments.

Missing on Trakt:
- Aur Kaun? (1979)


Shaenon K. Garrity's list. One horror movie (plus a few double- and triple-features) for every day of the year. Check the source for sketches and descriptions of each day.


#theme #list_order #complete


All movies from the documentary ( listed.

It's a decent "countdown documentary", though nothing new to see for horror fans of course. Still a nice mix of lesser known movies.


Custom list for Noah; absolutely must-watch horror.


From the tragically ludicrous to the ludicrously tragic.


The movies that Joe Bob Briggs (and Darcy!) have hosted on The Last Drive-In, So far!


All the Found Footage, American, Anthologies, J-Horror,Killers

Creatures,Zombies and the awful bad ones.


Películas de terror que he visto


Horror starring or featuring dolls. Updated weekly.


Films features in the documentary Rewind This! (2013)

Titles missing:
Baby's Dinner (1895)
Pink Champagne (1979)
Football Widow (1979)
Sweet Alice (1983)
Workout challenge (1983)
Bubba Until It Hurts (1985)

Sourced from imdb:


100 horror movies that are "Shock Waves approved", meaning they're liked by all hosts of Blumhouse's Shock Waves podcast. It's a good round-up of notable horror films put together by some hardcore horror fans.

Original podcast episode:


American Gothic is a painting by Grant Wood in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. Wood's inspiration came from what is now known as the American Gothic House, and a decision to paint the house along with "the kind of people I fancied should live in that house." The painting shows a farmer standing beside his spinster daughter. The figures were modeled by the artist's sister and their dentist. The woman is dressed in a colonial print apron evoking 19th-century Americana, and the couple are in the traditional roles of men and women, the man's pitchfork symbolizing hard labor, and the flowers over the woman's right shoulder suggesting domesticity.


List of the best films set over the course of one night.


A list from Slashfilm (


Backwoods, hillbillies, bumpkins, or rednecks movies. It has become an essential sub-genre since the sucess of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). However, 2000 Maniacs () and Straw Dogs (1971) were the early forerunners.


You've seen The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, The Blob. But are you familiar with The Exorcist III, Amityville II: The Possession or The Blob remake? Or minor masterpieces like Incubus, The Black Pit of Dr. M or Ichi The Killer? Fright film fans need look no further that this indispensable guide from the experts at Rue Morgue, the world's leading horror in culture and entertainment magazine. Concisely written with a view to expanding the horror film lover's palette, 200 ALTERNATIVE HORROR FILMS YOU NEED TO SEE outlines those cinematic gems you ay have missed - classic and contemporary, mainstream and obscure, home-made and foreign... and those films that simply need to make your viewing list. Featuring interviews with Guillermo del Toro, Tobe Hooper, Gaspar Noe, Roger Corman, Fred Dekker, Larry Cohen, Stuart Gordon, Ed Sanchez and more. Plus the top gore films, slashers, vampire flicks, foreign zombie movies, family fright fests and tons more!


Backwoods Horror movies come in many different varieties, but being chased through the woods by inbred, homicidal maniacs is definitely at the core of this tried and true sub-genre. Of course sometimes it can be Neo-Nazis doing the chasing, or maybe even a monster; and sometimes the action takes place on a mountain or even in a single cabin; but there are always somehow woods involved. They kinda have to be.

No matter the setting or menace though, Backwoods Horror is wildly compelling, because who doesn't fear being lost in the boonies while death is breathing down your neck?

There are plenty of Slasher flicks that are technically Backwoods Horror, but we didn't include them here because they got their own list, and there are plenty true Backwoods Horror movies out there that deserve the attention.
When it comes to Backwoods Horror flicks, we implore you to check out some of the lesser known titles like Frontiere(s), Rabies, or Rovdyr, if you're looking for something "new" and a bit different.
Also, don't sleep on The Tourist Trap. Truly creepy stuff.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Backwoods Horror flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Wolf Creek are probably the best of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Backwoods Sub-Genre, so enjoy them all!

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Backwoods Horror flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

