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Trial by Fire 2019

I cried my eyes out. Damn good and raw movie about injustice, the law system and how that affects lives.

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Sad movie that exposes the justice system, the crappy court appointed lawyers, and the bloodthirsty Texas people for the monsters they are.

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Shout by Georgina Vincze
BlockedParent2021-09-09T21:44:03Z— updated 2021-09-13T21:07:29Z

Very exciting movie from the beginning until the end. Kept me awake and thinking after watching it. The characters were played great. Recommend it!

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Glad I watched this,has you holding on right till the end!

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Another case of innocence betrayed. An emotionally challenging film, and one that holds the flaws and evils of the justice system up to the light.

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And that is why, if there is any shadow of a doubt whatsoever the death penalty should not happen. Regardless of whether he was a good man or not, he was assumed guilty the minute the fire happened. Shame on me he government and shame on the flawed system

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Jack always puts a good performance on, the film was good being a low budget and all and the story that it’s based on is heartwarming, it’s a shame too many people have lost their lives and they were innocent in the end.

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The first half of the movie, the build-up, actually was really good. The second half, the payoff, wasn't.

There was too much romance creeping in to make this anything else then a generic story. I don't see any other motivation that made her believe in his innocence. The fact that this is indeed a true story gets lost along the way.
I don't need the movie to convince me that there are judicial errors happening inside the system. I already believe that. The implication that some of them might have been happening knowingly and/or willingly by people inside that system, and the possible motivation as to why that might be, is something that was pretty much ignored but could have given this movie the edge it needed. But maybe that wasn't wanted.

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Very good movie, I was absorbed from the beginning. Very good acting, excellent story line. A good solid 9 out of 10.

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