great and intense movie. ezra miller is an amazing actor.

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Shout by Deleted

Hectic, and brilliantly acted.

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it's VERY intense, but a great movie! tilda swinton and ezra miller are incredible actors.

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Fantastic adaptation of a brilliant book that I'd always considered to be unfilmable.

Yes it's a difficult watch, but the intensity of the performances helps you through. The only reason I haven't given it ten is, compared to the book at least, at times it lacks a little subtlety but I can understand why as they needed to attract as wide an audience as possible for what is undoubtedly a tough sell to the mass market.

A good example is the scene of the actual 'incident' itself - while nothing is actually shown in violence terms I still felt it was more powerful without it - by that point everyone should know exactly what happened, without seeing it, and it felt a little like they were pandering to people whose attention had maybe wandered.

It's a minor nitpick though, as on the whole the film is a masterpiece of subtlety as it slowly reveals itself in all it's gut-wrencing horror. Essential viewing for all lovers of film, and even all prospective parents!

There's no twist at the end though!

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they should have talked about kevin a tiny bit more

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More powerful than the first time watching it back in 2011, definitely a well made film with an all great cast. Ezra Miller needs to take up some villain roles.

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This is a very good film with a great plot twist in the end.

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Born evil or a product of bad parenting? That's the big question. While it doesn't answer the question directly, it leaves you with a discussion in mind of nature vs nurture, that's for sure. We Need to Talk About Kevin isn't horror but it's absolutely terrifying, disturbing, psychological and it'll make you think twice before having kids of your own. I loved that the movie takes place in two timelines, one before a tragic event and one after. While the outcome becomes totally predictable, I was fascinated in knowing what caused the event and that's pretty much the movie, finding out what caused this and the repercussions it has on Swinton's character. Tilda Swinton was absolutely haunting while Ezra Miller was terrifying he gives me the absolute creeps. I love the discussion the movie leaves you when it finishes but I needed more of Kevin, it just feels incomplete. Although tragic events like that usually end up feeling incomplete as everyone always looks for answers but evil doesn't need a reason to do evil. As quoted: "There is no point, that's the point."

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Wow that was a beautifully shot, deeply uncomfortable movie to watch.

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Kitap uyarlaması olarak biraz eksik ama bu hali ile bile çok çok iyi.

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This movie makes you hate unconditional love no matter who it comes from. That "paranoid and hysterical" treatment constantly given to female characters in the horror genre creates a greater helplessness in this film, perhaps because it's easy to empathize with frustrated motherhood and family bonds (though they don't resemble your own, I hope), or perhaps with her frustrated attempts to rebuild her life (perfectly performed by Tilda Swinton). Even so, I still want to hit that kid.

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this is a true story of a mother and her fierce struggle to raise her child with aldism. they live in their own world, often incomprehensible

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A difficult movie to watch, makes me scared of ever having kids.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-01-06T22:55:30Z— updated 2019-03-11T00:27:56Z

This is why I hate kids.

But seriously this is not an easy watch about a serious subject. Tilda Swinton and Ezra Miller are both fantastic. John C. Reilly showing why he is the most underrated actor in Hollywood.

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A really nice story, can be a bit creepy, but very intense and enjoyable

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Slow at the beginning. It gets better in the second half.

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The kid deserved to get his ass beat.

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Well shot, well acted. However I just couldn't buy the story and how weak or blind characters were. It just didn't capture me; even with nice story telling devices it just felt flat.
The 'twist' at the end is not a twist. The better ending would be her just walking away.

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Don't get me wrong, I liked the atmosphere it provided, but the editing could be better and the story could benefit from that.

Also, I have my doubts on how psychologicaly accurate the film depicts Kevin, if he would have lived in real life I'm not so sure things would turn out the way they did.

Some people might like the film, but this was not for me.

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One of the worst things I've ever watched. The story is full of plot holes and the characters are not developed at all. While watching, you keep waiting for something unexpected to happen, but it never does and it just leaves you disappointed.

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Expected an atleast semi-realistic portrayal of a vulnerable child descending into madness due to unfortunate circumstances (like an actual school shooter). Instead i get an episode of Goosebumps where a mother gives birth to a literal demon child. Completely ridiculous and unbelievable.

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Painfully slow, depressing and very very hard to watch.

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I just don't like this type of story telling. It's painfully slow with lots of weird visual flashbacks, random loud noises, close up of Kevin's eyes because they're empty, and general long silences all for the sake of style. We need to talk about how ridiculous the movie was. We need to talk about how bland the characters are. This could have been fun and made more sense if Kevin had some evil birthmark on his head. Make his environment a trailer park. It could have been called The Bow and Arrow Massacre of Kevin. My point is if you're making trash at least accept it. Don't try and make an arty mess.

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The worst movie i ever watched. Such a waste of time movie. I never felt so cheated in my life. I watched this with high hopes. There is not a single message in this movie. At least they could've show shooting scenes to make up for it but no.

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It’s slow but it’s a pretty decent psych-thriller

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Shout by Deleted

Very good film, didn't expect the ending!

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The book was FANTASTIC and as much as I love Tilda, the film was a disappointment and far too short.

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