Personal Lists featuring...

Willow 1988


Reaping only the best


Not on current viewing schedule.


Ah, the nostalgia of classic movies! There's something truly magical about revisiting the iconic films that shaped our childhoods and sharing them with the next generation. If you're looking to create lasting memories and introduce your kids to the wonders of cinema from a bygone era, you've come to the right place. At The Rewind Zone, we've meticulously curated a selection of 30 timeless films from the 80s and 90s that are perfect for family movie nights. Get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey filled with heartwarming adventures, hilarious comedies, and captivating tales that will capture your imagination.


Fantasy films with a medieval setting and style.


Peliculas para que vean Caro y Angel


Excludes superhero/supervillain movies


The best movies from the best decade! Mostly comedies and some of these are actually so awful, they're great. All ones I can watch over and over again when I'm in the mood for some nostalgia.


These are just movies I have on DVD/Blu-Ray as of now and any I get in the future before I start my own collection (they're mainly my family's collection). There are also most likely some not accounted for, because they're lying around somewhere hidden.

I plan on starting my own collection in the future.


A collection PBS Cinema Clubs weekly picks. Est. 2019.


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.

Old(er) stuffs and/or bigger stuffs.


Bow & Arrow. Sword & Shield. Wands & Staves. A collection of movies that scratch that fantasy itch.


Drama, classics, classic romances, kid movies.
The genres that cater to the ISFJ.

Avoid a complex plot at all costs and be very carefull with fantasy & sci-fi.
