Personal Lists featuring...

Yellow Submarine 1968




Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore acheté ce bouquin je me suis dit que j'allais mettre les métrages (long et court) apparaissant dedans ,dans une liste classée par années,et ca sera aussi l'occasion pour moi de rattraper les films que j'ai pas encore vu,et de vous en faire découvrir aussi par la même occasion ;) .
Afficher moinsPortage de la liste senscritique de Thomas Albert.


Films conseillés pour les enfants à partir de 5 ans dans le livre de Lydia et Nicolas Boukhrief


Trippy, Absurd, or Excessively Over The Top


Eccentric, Nostalgia, "quirky" Aesthetic, avant garde, cinematic, visually striking art movies and tv series


A selection of films, famed for their decision to throw convention out of the window. This list pays homage to the great surrealist films from the history of cinema.


Surrealism in cinema refers to the use of dreamlike and irrational elements in films to create a unique visual style that challenges conventional notions of reality. It originated from the artistic movement of surrealism in the 1920s and 30s, which sought to tap into the subconscious mind through the use of irrational imagery and symbolism. In film, surrealism often employs techniques such as discontinuous editing, unexpected imagery, and the use of special effects to create a dream-like atmosphere and to challenge the viewer's perception of reality. The aim of surrealist films is to provoke an emotional and intellectual response from the audience, and to blur the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious mind.
