I really liked it. Feels like 24 even without Jack Bauer.

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Wow. I was expecting this to be really bad, but it's not. It "feels" like 24! If you're on the fence about watching this because Jack Bauer isn't in it, don't let that stop you. It's good!

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New protagonist pursued by the bad guys, there are terrorists, there is the clock, there is a rhythm, for now, we will see the second

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So many good tropes. Again. And so many bad tropes. Again. And I'm hooked. Again.

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Really enjoyed this first episode, good strong characters and as soon as "Events occur in real time" was shown I settled in and in true 24 style the first episode is over in seconds. Very slick, good production values. I can definitely see this going beyond the first season.

Good to have CTU back but the 24 of old is back - you have no idea who you can trust! Superb stuff.

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I predict Rebecca is bad because Carter trusts her and Keith, the CTU boss they don't trust, is good. Why ? Because that's usually how the show goes.
Still, without or without Jack I learned that 24 is fun to watch either way.

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Actually a fantastic start to the season, yes it'll be strange without Jack Bauer but it's nice to have a new face to the show, at least for now. Great side plots going on with some interesting characters, can't wit to see more.

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I'm still not sure about casting choice, but that was a darn good episode, even if it did copy the original with those moles, that's for sure

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