Best episode of the best television show ever. I can't say enough how supremely perfect this episode is. All the emotions!

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Such a memorable episode. Poor Mason, I'll miss him :(

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Kate's all like "Jack!!" when she finds out he's flying the plane. Uh, what? The guy you've known for a handful of hours, and therefore don't even really know him? You're going to give some impassioned plea for him to not do it? Why?

The woman driving Kim was totally like "ah shit what did I get myself into" when Kim starting crying, lol.

It was a great episode, though. Even if it was rather predictable.

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The funniest part about this episode is, someone, somewhere believed that Jack Bauer was actually going to die in this episode.

Also wtf is Hank Schrader doing here?

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Kind of obvious? Rather predictable? Hell, I'd say! Other than when Jack was at the side of the plane while the bomb got put in and I thought that George would take off with the plane (didn't happen), or once we were seeing Jack place the timer in the plane, I thought maybe Jack would not get in right away and again George would take off with the plane (again still didn't happen). I did call it though with who I am watching this show with that George would be in the plane even though Jack was flying it and he will probably tell Jack, or make Jack put on a parachute and jump. We know that Jack lives or there wouldn't be all the seasons, also we know that George was already dying, makes sense.

Also of course Kim would just take off where no one can contact her to let her know that things have suddenly changed and her dad is still alive! Yet another stupid Kim move.

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Shout by AJ

Well that was kind of obvious since the very beginning of the episode, wasn't it...?

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