• 10
  • 279
  • 4
  • Nine Network
  • 1h
  • Australia
  • English
  • News
60 Minutes is a popular Australian current affairs program based on the U.S. version of the same name. Featuring many noted Australian journalists over the years, the current presenters include Liam Bartlett, Tara Brown, Liz Hayes and Peter Overton.

25 episodes

Special 29

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Hitting home: The smacking issue
Three out of four Australian parents still smack their kids to keep them in line. That's come as a real shock to child welfare agencies. So much so, they want the government to ban physical punishment altogether. As Peter Harvey reports, there's no way some parents will stop smacking � they're never going to spare the rod and spoil their child.

The Boss: Glen Boss and The Melbourne Cup
Even if you're not a racing fan � we defy you to watch last year's Melbourne Cup and not be moved, not be on the edge of your seat as Makybe Diva heads for home. The crowd roaring, jockey Glen Boss down low in the saddle, the finish line in sight, the champion's third Melbourne Cup in a row � it was a truly unique achievement for both horse and rider. Makybe Diva's retired now, but Glen Boss is still going strong, hungry for more Melbourne Cups.

Saving Corporal Lyon
This is MASH � 21st-century style. There's no Hawk Eye or Honeycutt scrounging for supplies, making do with the army's cast offs. That was Korea in the '50s. This is Iraq, 2006, where doctors, nurses and medics are revolutionising combat medicine with mind-boggling science and good old fashioned guts.

Special 30

  • no air date1h

It's their idea of a fun night out but there's nothing pretty about it.
Half-naked, foul-mouthed women throwing down too much booze and throwing themselves at too many men.
And to cap off the evening, they're just as likely to pick a fight.
They're called ladettes or yobettes, a new breed of young woman hell-bent on outdoing the blokes and they're truly frightening, violent, selfish, with no sense of shame.
But not only are they hurting those around them, far more worrying is the damage they're doing to themselves.

You have to keep reminding yourself she's only 23. Because Keira Knightley's already got a body of work most Hollywood veterans would kill for.
It seems years ago now she kicked off her career in the cult movie "Bend it Like Beckham" before finding her sea-legs in "Pirates of the Caribbean".
Of course, these days Keira's better known for her stunningly glamorous roles.
But off-screen this superstar's anything but a preening princess.
As Michael Usher discovered, she's earthy, irreverent, one of the boys.

We all prayed those days were over.
But Russia is on the prowl again, in an angry mood and still armed to the teeth with a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons.
The bear slumbered for 20 years after the collapse of communism, crippled by its basket-case economy and rampant corruption.
But new-found wealth and a growing sense of pride under Vladimir Putin have fuelled a dangerous new nationalism.
Now the old belligerence is back.
And, as Liam Bartlett reports, suddenly the world is on the brink of a new Cold War.
