Madness, absolute (but entertaining) madness.

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Who the hell came up with the idea to be like ''oops by the way carlos has been married the whole time"? Not only does it feel like someone just threw a dart at a board blindfolded but it's also just such unnecessary drama and so out of character. In season 1 he couldn't have cared less about this character who is now revealed to be his best friend and wife? The entire first season he was basically like "sorry bff i know you are looking for your missing sister but i would like to talk about this firefighter i am seeing"...At least TK took it well, if they broke up two seasons in a row I would go crazy. Been looking forward to them finally getting married all last year

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So, curious weather phenomena, Vega's new love interest, Carlos is already married... okay. And Owen's going to infiltrate a nazi-bike gang... really...

I just don't understand why Carlos never mentionned that he was married to Michelle's missing sister. This marriage was pretty much retconned into his history, maybe to spice things up a bit. But Iris is doing fine, she no longer needs Carlos' insurance benefits - getting a divorce shouldn't be an issue. But I guess this is a setup, her schizophrenia's going to act up again... blablabla. Not really holding my breath for a smooth ride here.

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I thought I would give this show another try from the unbelievable bad story writing ..... well it didn't disappoint. #1 - you can't unscrew rivets ..... #2 - if a porta potty lands in a dunking tank full of water, smash the tank first before you cut open the top to rescue a drowning person...... #3 - a bit of hot wind won't heat up metal to be able to burn your skin in like a minute. I mean huh?????

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Honestly, this episode was something of a disappointment. The personal drama, which was once the heartbeat of the show, seems somewhat cartoonish and unrealistic now, especially TK & Carlo' new challenge, which is unfortunately the focus of this episode, and feels all the more contrived when you realize it will most likely be resolved by the next episode. Still, Owen's story continues to be filled with intrigue, while he bounces off of Judd's character well.

The disaster here was something of a mess. It didn't feel particularly consistent in its execution, and was also marred by some cartoonish green color grading during the first half of the storm (what is it with this show and bad color grading anyways). For example, there are scenes where balloons pop, electrical devices literally fry, and metal structures get too hot to touch...yet the characters in those situations sweat as if it's only 80 degrees, and neither the fire truck nor the crew's equipment seem affected by the heat in any way...that inconsistence took me out of the moment for nearly the entirety of the disaster.

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