Please give me more Tommy and the Reverend. I can't stop laughing and gushing over this dynamic.

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This was a surprisingly enjoyable episode, more of this please :hugging:

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Loved that mess of a date - Vega, don't ever listen to Owen's advice anymore. The other plotthreads... well... I knew that Iris was going to spell trouble. And Owen's "spying" adventure, somehow I think the writers don't really know where to go with his character which is a shame, honestly.

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I feel like this show is finally entering its decline. Half of the plot is gripping, and the other half just feels contrived and silly. Iris messing around with Carlos and TK is proven to be all for nothing and makes me feel like they wasted our time, as I had feared.

We have some interesting plots coming up, between what's going on with Iris, what's going on with Strand, and what's going on with Vega. Yet something tells me that the next episode will be chock full of boring side quests that won't be worth watching at all.

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Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2023-02-01T02:49:21Z— updated 2023-02-02T11:34:08Z

A hot mess is indeed a really good description for this episode. Doubling down on my comment the last episode - absolute (but entertaining) madness!

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