After the 3rd episode, I quit. Just not into this show. I did try.

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Gradually, eventually they will come to see that all the magic has seeped out of the world and they will look around them and everyone will be the same.

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I just can't take this tension.

"We don't breathe... ... very often." :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face: have mercy on my HEART good sir!

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Yes, this is a great episode, things are coming together and relationships are building. Witches, vampires and now demons. I didn’t like some of the acting in the last two episodes, but now as the character grows with each person, it is more fitting.

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Shout by Tagouga

  • Although Diana was so quick to trust a vampire and not her own kind, I absolutely love her and Matthew together
  • Does Juliette call the old vampire "Father" because he is her maker? He is such a creepy creature! And what is up with the mask? Does it see into the future?
  • Matthew Goode has a beautiful voice!
  • I can't see Owen Teale as anything another than "Allison Thorne" and so I hate him on principle!
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Things get interesting, the more lost an octopus in a garage could be applied to her, we will continue to see

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I like the approach the series has taken so far for adapting the novel. Some details and arrangements of events are different but they're more suited for television than doing a straight from the page adaptation. Everything is being set-up really well so far and despite already knowing what happens I'm excited to see more!

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Fantastic episode. Things are starting to escalate. I predict it'll only get better from here on out. I hope Diana will have decent control over his powers next episode. While it's cool that her powers only work at certain times, it'll be much better if she could use them however and whenever she likes.

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