There were several (emotional) climaxes during this season. I especially liked Mattieu's Father's farewell to Diana, but also Jack's character development (I hope he's not become a vampire..."the" vampire).

Issabeau's acceptance of her son's GF seems so real and organic...what can I say? I'm invested -- when they are pleased, it comes across.

Glad I re-watched this ep. before carrying on! My experience (and rating) went up a notch. Sucks my discipline means I have to wait a day to watch the next!

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Ysabeau felt a powerful presence near Sept Tours but only the least reliable person (Marcus) got out to check it. The chateau is filled with daemons, witches, and vampires. They are already aware of the danger lurking around them however they still have no preparations whatsoever. They are basically just sitting idly waiting for Matthew and Diana to come back.

I didn’t like Diana going behind Matthew’s back and giving her blood to Hubbard when Matthew explicitly told her not to! This is bound to make troubles and we see the first glimpse of that when Benjamin Fuchs comes questioning Hubbard. Speaking of Fuchs, is the Oxford blood rage vampire related to him in any way? We got a reveal of the face but it is not someone we recognize, at least I don’t. Are we supposed to have an idea by now who it is?

What is the point of Marcus’ girlfriend? She feels very forced into the story…

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Her dad: "Diana, you cannot change history! Stop interfering!" Diana: "Yes, absolutely, let me just interfere ten more times or so. Because I wanna!" Also, I wonder how the real Matthew will react to coming back and having a kid who sees him as a father...? This episode was a mess of cliffhangers and strange decisions, weird "revelations" (like the blood rage-vampire), questionable decisions and boring romantic/clichéed outburst. Hope next season gets better!!

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I've enjoyed this season more than the first, but it's so annoying they seem to get the historical setting mostly right, yet constantly have Matthew and Diana sauntering about outdoors without hats and cloaks.

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Eh, I expected a lot more from this season. Also... why is every relationship in this show moving so fast?

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Cliffhanger or what. Rules to follow

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