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Accused: Season 1

1x03 Danny's Story

Strike 2, in the end if the young son is having stomach pains like the older one was why wouldn't the dad catch that? Also never let us know what was wrong with the oatmeal or Steak? Very weak writers.

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Maaan! This is some Ari Aster shit right there, I'm telling ya... Danny's actor is so good! Really liked that one!

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I'm not sure what this series is supposed to be about... I mean apparently the boy was right about the nurse - yet he's in the mental asylum and she's en route to killing all of his family. This fits more into a thriller series than a legal series.

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The acting seemed poor compared to the earlier episodes but I definitely was siding with Danny regardless of his behavior and the accusations of his mental health. However the fact that he would get labeled as something that needs major meds instead of therapy and a road to recovery.

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3rd episode in and they are already stealing story lines from the original UK show from about 10 years ago. I mean do writers have any imagination anymore? The next one we'll be seeing .... 'A time ago in a galaxy far far away ..... '

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