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Accused: Season 1

1x04 Kendall's Story

If I wanted to watch justice not get served I’d go watch the news or something. These last 2 episodes ended like crap. What good is the cop believing him now when he’s well on his way to jail.

I agreed with the sentence for the father in ep1 and I would have agreed with a guilty on the kidnapping in ep 2 but 3 and this is WILD. Even though they didn’t show the verdict.

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I swear seeing people triggered by this episode is too funny. The slightest inconvenience to your fragility you lose your $h!t. The world doesn't revolve around you or your feelings. :clown::clown::rofl::rofl:

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Obvious from the beginning where this would go.

But seriously, what's the purpose of this show? Or rather, what's the distinction between this show and others - except that there's not continuation in the next episode... so far this is pretty unsatisfying because why not show an epilogue, like a 5 years later, with what happened in between? Like with this episode, was there a way to implicate the others and reduce Kendall's sentence? But as it is, it's just one cliffhanger after the other. Granted, that might be how the justice works, but it's not as though I'm watching a reality-tv-court series here...

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More liberal leftist anti white bullshit.

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The first three episodes were excellent!!! Than this anti white unreal story following black History narratives. I am done watching Accused!

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That was a weird way to end the episode, to be continued in season 2 maybe?

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And I'm done. This episode was just too much. What was the lesson in this? Black man betrayed by childhood friends and get life? Or the fact the pervert was chilling in the park by a playground with flyers and a all point bulletin out on him but dude just chilling in the park? What if it was a 10 year old white girl no way? These episodes make no sense. I said I was waiting for Malcolm's episode now I'm done.

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