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After Life: Season 3

3x03 Episode 3

The coffee shop part iconic :joy::joy::joy:

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The scène in the coffeeshop was epic.
They are just noises

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This featured Ye Olde Cottage cottageware behind Ricky in the cafe, fantastic!

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Tony’s comebacks are brilliant.

I wonder how many people there are in this town. And how many they have interviewed. And still there’s more?!

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Great to see Keith, can still picture him eating a scotch egg

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I said about the last episode, that it felt like the show was a little cleaner this season. Well this episode disproved this. The stuff with the podcasters was too much (kind of like the psychiatrist who would always go too far), and the Brian stuff is really awkward and getting tiresome. Other than that, the show is great. Diane Morgan is really underrated.

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I was fond of the first two seasons of After Life, but s3 falls short. This episode, in particular, was very cringe-y and reminded me of the old, less refined Gervais humor (uncomfortable, awkward, just like in this series, but with too few good jokes for me). Unfortunately, the James line is not interesting for me, and I wish they would just do something good for Kath already. I am not sure a new season is needed, they should probably stop here (although I heard that it has been renewed for s3 s4 at once). S1 and S2 were really balanced and good, so I am sad here..

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Awesome that Ewen Mactosh (Keith in The Office) and Ricky Gervais had an on-screen reunion!

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"I hope that was his cock. You stupid bastard"

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