Shouts about...

American Gods

Season 2

This season is quite bad

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This season has been really, really disappointing. There are many things that I admire about this show, primarily its artistic decisions, from camera work to storytelling and everything in between. This season however, it seems as though someone thought it was best to prioritize looks over substance because obviously, that always ends well.

I understand you want to maintain the show's shroud of mystery and intrigue, but if your audience is struggling to understand what the hell is going on half of the time all the while questions and confusion continue to mount without any answers whatsoever to satisfy them, you're doing something wrong. There is a point, a red line if you will, at which "we smart" tactics become bland laziness and this season has crossed that line many times over.

This is not the American Gods that season one introduced us to, this is nothing more than a half-assed continuation that attempts to do what S1 did just without substance and quality. I hope they get their shit together next season.

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Such a disappointing season. Very boring most of the time, also confusing a lot of the time. There were loads of moments where I had no clue what was going on. The first 2 episodes were good, and episode 7 was great, but the rest was a let down.

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Not as good as season one, but much better than I was expecting after Bryan Fuller left and took Gillian Anderson and Kristin Chenowyth with him. MUCH better than I was expecting. It really departed from the book, by necessity, but touches base with it repeatedly. Orlando Jones continued to be too damn good for the show, which is why they fired him for season three. The new storylines were really well done, woven nicely into the original story, and they give a lot more depth to several characters. It's not flawless, but most shows aren't, and I don't quite get the hate I'm seeing in other comments here.

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What the hell happened?! Season 1 was awesome! Season 2 is GARBAGE! Boring nonsense. So sad. Had so much potential.

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Despite the change in showrunners, “American Gods” still feels the same: a personal show with a unique tone, compelling visuals, and poor writing. The writing was already out of focus from the middle of the first season, and unfortunately, it kept getting worse and worse with each episode. The whole second season is a huge filler that kept adding characters and excuses for flashier visuals despite no one in the original cast having a clear purpose to begin with. Entire episodes are filled with empty monologues and quarrel that teach us nothing, and the little progression we had during the first season is put apart to preserve the status quo and stretch the source material to the limit. Most episodes felt like a waste of time, with the possible exception of the sixth and seventh.

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Shout by Frank

I totally do not agree with the death of Mad Sweeney. I really liked him (and the IMHO awesome portrayal of Pablo). I hope there's some way to come back again somewhere in the future. Perhaps that unused resurrection potion could be something that will play a role with that :-)

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after seeing eglee's racism and the way orlando jones was treated......honestly. fuck this show

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Shout by kinky

Unlike what I was expecting, this season was actually worse than the first one. Slower and more hollow regarding plot. But, since Bryan Fuller stepped down after the first season, I guess that was to be expected. If there ever was a show that deserves being cancelled, it's this one. It's been cancelled for me, anyway. I'm out.

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I think that people missed the fact that a BIG part of the book was slow-paced as well. This is exactly this part. At least we have here a couple of locations instead of one as per the book. Stop complaining.

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The first two episodes were pretty good and felt as enthralling as the first season did. So did the Treasure of the Sun episode. Other than that, this season was pretty uninteresting. Maybe it felt that way because of how enjoyable the first season was, who knows.

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another great season. Ian McShane is eggclent.

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